Mohammad Imran


Stanton, DE


Surgery:       YES
Medication: NO

Other Info

Abortion Death:

  • Gracealynn “Tammy” Harris was 19 years old when she underwent an abortion by Dr. Mohammad Imran at Delaware Women’s Health Organization on September 16, 1997. She was 18 weeks pregnant.
  • After the procedure, Tammy was weak, and needed a wheelchair to leave the facility.
  • Reports indicate that Tammy also may have had a seizure in front of the clinic nurses. She died that day.
  • Tammy’s family filed suit against Imran and the clinic.
  • Imran’s attorney said that Tammy’s death was the clinic’s fault. He said that the clinic staff did not monitor Tammy’s vital signs, and did not inform him of her condition.
  • The family’s lawyer faulted Imran with leaving the clinic to go to another facility before Tammy was stable.
  • The lawsuit resulted in $2,252,000 to Tammy’s family. The money was put into a court-controlled account for Tammy’s son, who was nine months old when his mother died. Imran’s insurance company was defunct, so he had to settle again with Tammy’s family. He was last known to be practicing medicine, including obstetrics, in New Jersey.