Worst Offender – AbortionDocs https://abortiondocs.org The Largest Collection of Data on America's Abortion Cartel Mon, 01 Apr 2024 04:36:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.3 Paul D. Blumenthal – active https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/paul-d-blumenthal/ Wed, 12 Dec 2018 17:40:02 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/paul-d-blumenthal/ Laurence Reich (inactive) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/laurence-reich/ Tue, 11 Oct 2016 17:45:28 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/laurence-reich/ WARNING! This man has a history of sexual abuse going back 35 years! If you see him at an abortion facility, call 911 and report him to the police immediately!

Abortionist Jailed – Again! 2/26/2006

Sex Offender/Abortionist Laurence Reich Surrenders License! 2/16/2006

Background: History Of The Notorious Clinic Medica Para La Mujer De Hoy Abortion Chain (Where Reich worked.)

This abortionist is inactive.

Rick Van Thiel (deceased) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/rick-van-thiel/ Fri, 16 Sep 2016 16:09:34 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/rick-van-thiel/ Underground Abortions: Beware of alarming new trend!

Fake doctor Rick Van Thiel was a convicted felon, burglar, former porn actor, and sex toy inventor.  Dubbed the “YouTube Doctor,” he claimed he taught himself to perform surgery and abortions by watching YouTube videos.  “Doctor” Van Thiel plied his trade on internet sex sites and Craigslist, luring in low-income clients.  He peddled an assortment of bogus medical services: “treatments” for HIV and cancer,  tooth extractions, root canals, castrations, circumcisions, and cheap, $200 abortions.  Van Thiel illegally “treated” nearly 90 patients in a dirty backyard trailer, allegedly causing at least three deaths.  Van Thiel was arrested on $1 million bail and charged with multiple felonies.  His alleged crimes included 87 victims, 3 deaths, numerous sexual assaults, illegal possession of firearms by a convicted felon, and practicing medicine without a license.  On July 21, 2017, Rick Van Thiel committed suicide by hanging himself in his jail cell while awaiting trial.  He was 54.





Rodger A. Fraser (inactive) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/rodger-a-fraser/ Tue, 16 Aug 2016 16:03:36 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/rodger-a-fraser/ Former abortionist at: A Capital Women’s Health (Richmond, VA)

Former abortionist at: Commonwealth Women’s Clinic, aka American Women’s Clinic (Falls Church, VA)

Abortionist Rodger A. Fraser had his Virginia medical license suspended, after badly botching two abortions.  “Patient A” suffered a perforated uterus, hemorrhage, and incomplete abortion, and required an emergency hysterectomy and colostomy to save her life.  “Patient B” suffered a perforated uterus, lacerated cervix, and incomplete abortion, and required emergency surgery as well.  However, Fraser ignored the license suspension and continued to perform abortions.  Fraser was convicted of four felonies for practicing medicine without a license, and sentenced to four months in jail.  The medical Board deemed him a danger to the public, and his licenses were revoked in Virginia and New Jersey.


Mahlon Douglas Cannon (deceased) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/mahlon-douglas-cannon-deceased/ Thu, 04 Aug 2016 20:10:22 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/mahlon-douglas-cannon-deceased/ Cannon formerly worked at “A Capital Women’s Health” in Richmond, as well as other abortion clinics




Judith A. Kelsey (inactive) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/judith-a-kelsey/ Mon, 28 Sep 2015 18:42:52 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/judith-a-kelsey/ Eugene Schwalben (inactive) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/eugene-schwalben/ Tue, 01 Sep 2015 18:34:05 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/eugene-schwalben/ Dubbed the “Doc From Hell,” New York abortionist Eugene Schwalben lost his medical license after authorities discovered he was running fraudulent abortion clinics in Chinatown and Long Island, NY.  Schwalben had employed unlicensed individuals to pose as doctors and assist with abortions.  One fake doctor misdiagnosed a woman’s ectopic pregnancy, and performed an abortion on her empty uterus. Jian-Qing Zhu required a blood transfusion and emergency surgery for a ruptured fallopian tube, a hemorrhage, and a punctured lung. The near-fatal botched abortion prompted an investigation into Schwalben’s practice.  At his filthy clinics, investigators discovered rusted needles, horse medicines, expired barbiturates, and partial fetuses in unmarked jars.  Schwalben was arrested Aug. 8, 1996, and was charged with 12 counts of medical misconduct, gross negligence, incompetence, moral unfitness, and fraud. His license was suspended and later revoked.


William H. Knorr (Deceased) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/william-h-knorr-deceased/ Thu, 13 Aug 2015 21:17:56 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/william-h-knorr-deceased/ Abortionist William H. Knorr was an early practitioner of partial-birth abortion – a controversial technique in which a late-term fetus is delivered alive, except for the calvarium (head), which is too large to pass through the cervix.  To complete the procedure, the skull of the live fetus is then pierced, suctioned, and crushed, allowing the abortion provider to remove the now-deceased fetus from the uterus. Knorr testified that he used the partial-birth technique in many of his late-term abortions.  Knorr ran a high-volume abortion business, working at multiple clinics in New York, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.  He testified in 2003 that he performed five or six thousand abortions that year alone.  Knorr was a lead plaintiff in multiple lawsuits challenging partial-birth abortion bans.  He is now deceased.

Jose Gilberto Higuera (inactive) https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/jose-gilberto-higuera/ Tue, 11 Aug 2015 15:09:35 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/jose-gilberto-higuera/ Michigan abortionist Jose Gilberto Higuera was charged with a felony, and disciplined for multiple legal violations.  In 1999, the state of Michigan suspended Higuera’s medical license for reusing syringes and IV bags, and for altering a medical record. The State found Heguera was “negligent, incompetent, and lacked good moral character.” In a landmark court case, Higuera was charged with a felony for falsifying medical records to cover up an illegal 3rd-trimester abortion. Higuera was the first doctor in Michigan to be prosecuted for criminal abortion since the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.  In lieu of a felony conviction and four years in prison, Higuera relinquished his medical license permanently in a plea bargain.



Craig M. Linder – active https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/craig-m-linder/ Tue, 28 Jul 2015 19:52:53 +0000 https://abortiondocs.org/abortionists/craig-m-linder/ Former abortionist at: Manhattan Women’s Medical (closed).

Abortionist Craig Linder, MD, was disciplined in NY for multiple violations. The NY State Board for Professional Medical Conduct detailed the following charges.

On Aug. 5-7, 1996, Linder performed an abortion on a 21-year-old patient in New York.  The Board found no records of a patient exam, patient medical history, or blood pressure readings for the abortion patient. The Board found that Linder “inappropriately administered” 30 cc of Marcaine to the patient, who first went into seizures, and then into cardiac arrest. Linder had no emergency equipment on hand. The patient died on location and her dead body was removed from the premises. Dr. Linder did not document the events during the abortion.

In a separate case in 1993, Dr. Linder failed to follow up with a patient after cancerous cells were found in her pap smear.   The Board charged Linder with gross negligence, incompetence, negligence on more than one occasion, and failure to maintain accurate records. He was placed on probation for two years, and permanently restricted to performing abortions “in a facility defined in and governed by Article 28 of the Public Health Law.” See disciplinary documents at right.

