15643 W McNichols Rd, Detroit, MI 48235Procedures
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
Former abortionist at Summit Medical Center (Detroit, MI)
Cleans up after botched abortion injuries for Detroit area abortionists Antoinette Byrd-Carr and Reginald Sharpe
Misc Documents
License Restrictions
Disciplinary History
2016-10-24 Administrative Complaint -- State of MI
The State of MI files a complaint against Alex Pickens, MD, for negligence & incompetence. -
2017-02-10 Final Order - State of MI
The State of Michigan suspends Alex Pickens' medical license for 6 months, and charges him a $10,000 fine. Document filed Feb. 10, 2017; license suspension takes effect 30 days from filing date.
Malpractice History
carr alexander complaint 2015
Malpractice suit filed Aug. 31, 2015 against abortionists Byrd-Carr, Sharpe, Pickens, and Summit Botched abortion with uterine perforation, bowel perforation, bladder injury requiring resection, etc. Patient experienced pain and altered lifestyle due to injuries. -
RS Sharpe Pickens Summit Somerville Lawsuit
November 24, 2015: Horrifically botched abortion involving Reginald Sharpe. Pickens made it worse according to complaint.