
Here are some basic definitions of terms used on this web site to assist you.

Surgical Abortion Clinics:

These are offices that supply surgical abortions.  Some may also prescribe the abortion pill (RU486).  If that is the case, there will be a notation on the clinic page.

Abortion Pill Clinics:

These are offices that prescribe the abortion pill (RU486).  They do not supply surgical abortions.  Some of these clinics may be “telemed” or “webcam” abortion sites.  If that is the case, there will be a notation on the clinic page.

Telemed, Mail-Order Abortions:

A licensed physician is not on site for these abortions.  Women are set in front of webcams at a computer terminal where an internet connection allows the abortionist at another office to briefly question them.  When telemed abortions were first discovered by Operation Rescue, the abortionists would press a button on his computer screen, unlocking a “cash drawer” which contained the abortion pills.  The patient would then takes one round of pills at the clinic and return home to self-administer the rest of the pills.  She would experience labor and delivery of her baby at home or wherever she happened to be.  Abortion Pills are only approved for use during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy, but many abortionists dangerously prescribe them through 11 or 12 weeks of pregnancy.  (Read more about this.) Today, many “telehealth” abortions are supplied by virtual clinics that simply mail the abortion inducing pill regimen. A study of U.S. abortions in the last half of 2022 revealed a sharp increase of mail-order abortions, comprising four percent of all abortions.


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