Schneider, Emily N.
Medical School
University of Colorado School of Medicine, 2009Address
2301 Yale Blvd SE, Building E, Albuquerque, NM 87106Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Former abortionist and UNM Center for Reproductive Health

Misc Documents
New Mexico - 2013 Medicaid Abortion Chart
Dr. Emily Schneider was paid $233.87 in taxpayer dollars for a Medicaid abortion in 2013. Statistics compiled by Project Defending Life, based on public records from the New Mexico Dept. of Health. -
University of NM 2012-2013 Ob Gyn Annual Report
Emily Schneider, MD becomes first-year family planning fellow. Family Planning Division includes abortion training. See pages 18-19. -
UNM Ob-gyn Dept. Faculty List 2014-2015 - Fellow, Emily Schneider, MD
NPI #1407098429 – Emily Nicole Schneider, MD
HealthGrades.com - Emily N. Schneider, MD - former CO address
ZocDoc.com - Emily Nicole Schneider -- Education & credentials
Physicians for Reproductive Health - Emily Schneider, MD - abortionist statement -- page 5
License Restrictions
NM medical license application file for Emily Nicole Schneider. -
Emily Schneider -- New Mexico Medical License -- Lapsed
Emily Schneider - New Mexico Lapsed License
Status: Lapsed as of 06/06/2022