Abortion Mill
Orange Health Center-Planned ParenthoodMedical School
University of TX Southwestern Medical School, 2006Address
700 S. Tustin St., Orange, CA 98266Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
State of UT, license verification (expired) – Janet C. Jacobson (search by name)
University of Utah, Obstetrics & Gynecology physician directory – See page 2.
Janet Jacobson, M.D., professional profile – Doximity.com
J.C. Jacobson, a.k.a. Janet C. Jacobson – research articles on PubMed.gov
Janet Jacobson, M.D., former office listing – Vitals.com
Janet C. Jacobson, M.D., current office listing – HealthGrades.com
The Abortion Provider’s Declaration of Rights, signed by Janet Jacobson, M.D. (see column 1)
Abortionist Janet Jacobson formerly worked at the now defunct Utah Women’s Clinic in Salt Lake City. Jacobson relocated to California, and currently works at a Planned Parenthood abortion mill.
Misc Documents
Utah Women's Clinic - history page
Excerpt from former website of Utah Women's Clinic, describing abortionists at clinic, including Janet Jacobson. (Website is now defunct, and domain name is owned by GoDaddy.com as of 4-3-2014.) -
A Policy of Discrimination - Reproductive Health Care in the Military, 2011
Article co-authored by abortionist Dr. Janet Jacobson. Jacobson argues that abortions should be part of routine health care for females on military bases. -
University of Utah physican directory 2012
Janet C. Jacobson, former physician listing at University of Utah Dept. of Obstetrics and Gynecology. See pages 2 and 4.