Photo Unavailable-Female
Abortion Mill
San Luis Obispo-Planned ParenthoodSanta Barbara Center-Planned Parenthood
Medical School
San Diego State University, B.S. in Nurse-MidwiferyAddress
743 Pismo St, San Luis Obispo, CA 93401, USAProcedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, CNM, RN is a nurse-midwife and abortionist with Planned Parenthood.
Misc Documents
02-14-2019 - "Don't Give your Valentine Anything But Love" - KCBX -- Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, CNM with PP
Article mentions Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, a certified nurse midwife with Planned Parenthood. -
Baker-Ballantyne, Jessica -- 2006 MS in Nursing Candidate (screenshot) - Yale School of Nursing
2019 Choice Affairs - PP of the Central Coast -- Jessica Baker-Ballantyne
See Jessica Baker-Ballantyne on page 16. -
Facebook.com -- Jessica Baker-Ballantyne - Listing at PP abortion clinic in San Luis Obispo
Listing at PP abortion clinic in San Luis Obispo. -
MedicareList.com -- Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, NM, RN -- abortion clinics
Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, NM, RN. Listing at abortion clinics in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo. -
NPI #1669646824 -- Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, NM, RN -- two abortion clinics
Listing at PP abortion clinics in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo. -
NPINO.com -- Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, NM, RN - abortion clinics
Listing at PP abortion clinics in Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo. -
Yale University School of Nursing -- Candidates for MS in Nursing 2006, Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, BS, San Diego State Univ, Nurse-Midwifery
Excerpt from Yale Nursing School publication. Candidates for 2006 Master of Science in Nursing include Jessica Baker-Ballantyne, who earned a BS in Nurse-Midwifery from San Diego State University.
License Restrictions
Baker-Ballantyne, Jessica -- California nurse midwife license - valid through 07-31-2020
California nurse midwife license - valid through 07-31-2020. -
Baker-Ballantyne, Jessica -- California nurse midwife license (printer-friendly) - valid through 07-31-2020
California nurse midwife license (printer-friendly) - valid through 07-31-2020. -
Baker-Ballantyne, Jessica -- California registered nurse license - valid through 07-31-2020
California registered nurse license - valid through 07-31-2020. -
Baker-Ballantyne, Jessica -- California registered nurse license (printer-friendly) - valid through 07-31-2020
California registered nurse license (printer-friendly) - valid through 07-31-2020.