Medical School
EWHA Women's UniversityPhone
10400 Eaton PL. # 515, Fairfax, VA 22030Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
This abortionist had no current medical license but owned and operated Nova Women’s Healthcare in Fairfax, VA.
Misc Documents
RealChoice: I learn of a new abortion death because somebody was looking for Mi Yong Kim
Virginia’s busiest abortion facility closes down; abortion supporters blame new safety regulations -- LifeSiteNews -- July 16, 2013
Disciplinary History
Kim -- NY Revocation -- 2000
Botched abortion due to failing to determine fetal age. Baby was 24-26 weeks instead of original estimate of 8 weeks. -
Kim --VA 1218198
Failure to diagnose age of pregnancy before abortion. Kim assumed the baby was 8 weeks gestation, but once the abortion began, it was discovered that the baby was 26 weeks. Complications landed woman in hospital. -
Kim -- Virginia -- Board Charges -- 01112005
Board notification of charges related to a 2002 patient death. Kim further sedated a patient and failed to see that the patient had suffered cardiac arrest. No efforts to resuscitate were made. -
Kim -- Virginia -- License Reinstatement -- 05082000
Board reinstatement of Kim's license without restriction in 2000 after discipline for a previous botched abortion. -
Kim -- Virginia License Surrender 05182007
Surrender order. Kim voluntarily surrendered her medical license rather than face revocation and fines. 2007. -
Kim -- Virginia -- Notice of Informal Conference 04112007
more violations discovered by the board including non-existent follow up care for abortion patients, bad record-keeping, and improper drug prescription and handling. -
Kim -- Virginia Order -- 03081999
Board order of restrictions on Kim's practice after determining that she failed to properly determine gestational age before an abortion. Kim thought patient was 8 weeks, but she was really 26 weeks pregnant. Complications caused injury to the patient. -
Kim -- VA -- Restrictions Order 04052005
Board restrictions on Kim after it determined her culpability in a patient death.