Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
The Miami Herald in August of 1990 reported that abortion doctor Pravin Thakker was convicted of performing abortions on his former lovers without their consent. Thakker was also investigated by the Indiana Medical board for lewd and immoral conduct toward female patients under his care. On June 11,1991 a jury found Thakker guilty of two counts of battery, two counts of illegal abortion and two counts of criminal recklessness. Thakker was sentenced on July 31, 1991 to prison in the Indiana Department of Corrections. ( SOURCE: The Indiana Health Profession Bureau Case # 89 MLB 003.)
In August 1990, the Miami Herald reported that Indiana abortion provider Pravin Thakker was convicted of performing abortions on his former lovers without their consent.
Thakker was also investigated by the Indiana Medical board ( Indiana Health Profession Bureau Case # 89 MLB 003) for lewd and immoral conduct toward female patients under his care.
On June 11, 1991 a jury found Thakker guilty of two counts of battery, two counts of illegal abortion and two counts of criminal recklessness. Thakker was sentenced on July 31, 1991 to prison in the Indiana Department of Corrections. He was released from prison in April of 1995.
The Sullivan’s Group, Physician’s Law Review confirms this when they state that Dr. Thakkar was sentenced to sixteen years in prison for illegally aborting fetuses from two former lovers and attempting to do so with a third, without the women’s consent.
Dr. Pravin Thakkar was convicted on June 12, 1992 on one count of attempted illegal abortion and two counts each of performing an illegal abortion, battery and criminal recklessness. He was sentenced to 24 years with 8 years suspended.
He allegedly performed illegal abortions after telling the women he was giving them routine pelvic examinations. One woman was eight months pregnant.
Two patients testified that Thakkar aborted their fetuses without their permission. Both said Thakkar had gotten them pregnant.
An Associated Press article reported that the victims, Carmen Singer and Kathy Collins, both of Anderson, testified that Thakkar aborted their fetuses without their permission. They said he was the father of the fetuses. A third woman, Bonnie Coffey-Myers of Indianapolis, said she had also dated Thakkar and that he tried to abort her pregnancy without her consent. She said she didn’t believe Thakkar was the father of her fetus.
Indiana revoked his medical license as a result of the charges.
Criminal History
Thakkar Sex Scandal
Women's Accusations Land Small-Town Indiana Doctor in Big Trouble - Los Angeles Times -- September 24, 1989
Abortionist convicted, lewd conduct and battery -- Thakkar -- see page 11
THAKKAR v. STATE -- December 20, 1994
Dr. Pravin D. Thakkar (Thakkar) convictions of two counts of Performance of an Illegal Abortion, class C felonies; two counts of Battery, class C felonies; two counts of Criminal Recklessness, class D felonies; and one count of Attempted Illegal Abortion, a class C felony