Abortion Mill
All Women's Health Center - Altamonte SpringsWoman's Health/Birth Control Ctr Inc -INACTIVE
A Woman's Choice - Jacksonville
Medical School
Duke University, May 1976Address
431 Maitland Ave, Altamonte Springs, FL 32701Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Former abortionist at: WomanCare, aka Abortion Center of Orlando
“Most of the people I admire are in, or are going to, hell. And I look forward to joining them.” – Abortionist Ralph Bundy, Orlando Sentinel, 9-15-1991

Misc Documents
AT THE EYE OF THE STORM: THE ABORTION Doctor -- The Orlando Sentinel -- May 13, 1990
Article in the Orlando Sentinel about Ralph Bundy. -
Womancare of Orlando, Ralph Bundy - US District Court Decision - 2-10-2006
U.S. District Court Decision, Northern District of FL, Feb. 10, 2006: Ralph L. Bundy and others filed a lawsuit against the FL Dept. of Health, challenging the FL Parental Notice of Abortion Act. Court ruled against Bundy and the abortion lobby, and upheld the law. -
Ralph Bundy, The Abortion Clinic Doctor - Orlando Sentinel - September 15, 1991
1998-05-18 amended complaint -- A Choice for Women et al v. Butterworth (FL)
Abortion providers sue the state of Florida. Ralph L. Bundy is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. -
Florida license expires 1.31.25
Ralph Bundy - Florida license renewal application
Bundy, Ralph L. -- Florida medical license -- valid thru 01-31-2021 - abortion clinic
Note practice address at A Jacksonville Women's Choice abortion clinic. -
Bundy, Ralph -- Florida subordinate practitioners - two locations
California License Canceled As Of July 25, 2020
Disciplinary History
Ralph Bundy - Final Order - Dec 18, 2007
The FL Department of Health issued a $5,000 fine and letter of concern to Dr. Ralph Bundy for continuing to operate a laboratory after revocation of certificate and without a state license. -
Bundy, Ralph L. - FL Dept of Health disciplinary action summary - 12-19-2007
Disciplinary action summary, FL Dept. of Health, Dec. 19, 2007: Ralph Bundy ordered to pay $5000 in fines and $1744.66 in costs, and complete 50 hours of community service. Bundy found to have operated a laboratory without a FL laboratory license, and after revocation of CLIA certificate.