Strickler, Ronald C.
Medical School
University of Toronto Medical School, 1967Address
1500 W. Big Beaver Road #105, Troy, MI 48084Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: NO
Other Info
Dr. Strickler admits to performing abortions at his hospital, in the following court document: “As department chair, Dr. Strickler supervises all the obstetrician-gynecologists practicing at Henry Ford Hospital; his approval is necessary for the performance of any induced abortions in his department… Dr. Strickler performs, supervises, and approves [abortion] procedures that are encompassed by the Act, including suction curettage and induction.” Northland Family Planning v. Cox, “Complaint,” March 2005, page 8. See full document below.

Misc Documents
Northland Family Planning Clinic v. Cox - Complaint, March 2005
Ronald C. Strickler named in list of plaintiffs. See description of Strickler's abortion activities on page 8. -
Ronald C. Strickler, staff profile - Henry Ford Health System
Dr. Ronald Strickler, office listing - Henry Ford Reproductive Medicine
Ronald C. Strickler -- Vitals.com -- Reviews
Ronald Strickler -- Inactive License -- Missouri Division of Professional Registration
Ronald Strickler -- Michigan Medical License