3729 No. Crossover, Unit 107, Fayetteville, AR 72703Procedures
Surgery: NOMedication: YES
Other Info
Former abortionist at: Fayetteville Health Center – Planned Parenthood (AR)
PDF check: No updates needed. 02-05-2020

Misc Documents
Medical school training is exacerbating the shortage of abortion doctors across
Nov. 7, 2017, Think Progress article with interview with Ho. -
2018-10-04 "Stand up for abortion rights" -- Arkansas Times - PP director Stephanie Ho
Pro-abortion essay by PP of the Great Plains director Stephanie Ho. -
2018-11-05 Planned Parenthood finds doctor willing to help clinic meet law on physician referral -- Arkansas Blog
PP of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma finds a new abortionist for clinics in Fayetteville and Little Rock, AR. See quotes from PP director Stephanie Ho. -
01-04-2019 -- "I wanted to provide abortions for my patients. My med school wouldn’t teach me how." -- The Washington Post
Article by abortionist Stephanie Ho. -
2019-06-26 Complaint -- Little Rock FPS, Stephanie Ho et al v. State of Arkansas
Stephanie Ho is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. -
2019-07-23 Temporary Restraining Order -- Little Rock FPS, Stephanie Ho et al v Arkansas
Stephanie Ho is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. -
2019-07-25 Transcript - Little Rock FPS, Stephanie Ho, et al v. State of Arkansas
Stephanie Ho is a plaintiff in this lawsuit.