Whitefish, MTProcedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Former clinic abortionist at: All Families Healthcare Whitefish
Former clinic abortionist at: All Families Healthcare (Kalispell – old location)
Susan Cahill reportedly retired in 2020, and her assistant Helen Weems took over the abortion clinic in Whitefish, MT.
In 2014, Susan Cahill permanently closed her Kalispell abortion clinic “All Families Healthcare.” In early 2018, Cahill opened a new abortion clinic in Whitefish, MT, also called “All Families Healthcare.” Click link at left for clinic documents.
In 1993, Susan Cahill’s office in a small town in Montana was burned down by an anti-abortion arsonist. A physician assistant, Cahill has been providing first-trimester abortions with Dr. James Armstrong since 1977. Patients come to their office seeking abortions from hundreds of miles away, as they are the only providers in a large rural area. Dr. Armstrong is nearing retirement, and without Cahill to assist him he would not be able to serve the needs of his regular patients, let alone those of the women who come to him specifically for abortions. In 1994, the county prosecutor threatened to arrest Dr. Armstrong for allowing Cahill to perform abortions in his office. Dr. Armstrong resisted and won his case. The state legislature then passed “The Susan Cahill Law,” explicitly prohibiting physician assistants from providing abortions. Cahill and Armstrong challenged the law before a gamut of state and federal courts, and were awaiting the Montana Supreme Court’s decision when we started filming in 1999. They earned an injunction that allowed Cahill to continue providing abortions until the case was decided. Cahill knew that her work was political—a feminist who came of age just prior to Roe v. Wade, she is motivated by a concern for rural women’s healthcare—but she never sought the headlines and the fear that found her in 1993 and won’t to go away. |
Montana Clinic Vandalism
Misc Documents
About - All Families Healthcare -- Susan Cahill and Helen Weems, abortionist bios
Abortion clinic website with bios for abortionists Susan Caholl and Helen Weems. -
1-23-2018 -- New Whitefish clinic to provide abortions
PDF document. Article on abortion clinic run by Susan Cahill and Helen Weems. -
All Families Healthcare -- Our Story - Screenshot & abortionist bios
Screenshot of abortion clinic website, with abortionist bios for Susan Cahill and Helen Weems. -
1-23-2018 (printer-friendly) -- New Whitefish clinic to provide abortions
Printer-friendly document. Article on abortion clinic run by Susan Cahill and Helen Weems. -
1-30-2018 A New Chapter for All Families Healthcare -- Flathead Beacon