Medical School
University of Washington School of Medicine, 1985Phone
425 E Dahlia Ave, Ste J, Palmer, AK 99645Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
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Misc Documents
Suit challenges law requiring parent abortion notification -- Anchorage Daily News, 11-23-2010
Abortionists Jan Whitefield and Susan Lemagie sue the state of Alaska over parental notification requirements for abortions. See page 3. -
2010-11-19 Complaint -- PP of the Great Northwest, Whitefield, & Lemagie v. Alaska
Abortionists Jan Whitefield and Susan Lemagie (along with Planned Parenthood) sue the state of Alaska over abortion regulations. Whitefield and Lemagie both admit they perform abortions. See pages 4-5. -
2010-11-19 Docket & list of parties -- PP of the Great NW, Whitefield, Lemagie et al v. State of Alaska
Docket & List of parties in lawsuit against the state of Alaska. Plantiffs include Planned Parenthood, and abortionists Jan Whitefield and Susan Lemagie. - -- Susan Lemagie, MD - Valley Women's Health Care
License Restrictions
Lemagie -- Alaska License -- Retired
Lemagie -- Washington License -- expired
Susan Lemagie - Alaska License - retired