Abortion Mill
Pioneer Women's HealthMedical School
Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland, 2009Phone
48 Sanderson St, Greenfield, MA 01301Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: NO
Other Info
Misc Documents
License Restrictions
Lepore, Timothy (son) -- Greenfield, Massachusetts medical license - valid through 03-05-2020
Practice location at Pioneer Women's Health (abortion clinic). -
Timothy James Anthony Lepore (son) -- Massachusetts medical license application (1 page)
See full name on page 1 - "Timothy James Anthony Lepore." -
Timothy James Anthony Lepore (son) -- Massachusetts medical license application (63 pages)
MA medical license application file for Timothy J. A. Lepore (son). Full document; 63 pages.
Malpractice History
2016-10-13 Close v. Tappin, Lepore, et al - malpractice
Case docket for malpractice case. -
2016-10-13 Complaint -- Close v. Tappin, Lepore, et al
Malpractice suit against Timothy James Lepore and other defendants. See pages 7-9 for Lepore details.
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
Lepore Jr Massachusetts Case Complaint -- 05/06/2021
Candy Wilkinson was pregnant with her son Faolin when she came to see Dr. Lepore's practice. She never dreamed this would happen. Faolin suffered severe and permanent personal injuries; has been and will continue to be hospitalized, cannot and never can pursue normal activities, and never will be able to enjoy life the way you and I can. This is the fault of Timothy Lepore Jr. M.D. and his midwife Deborah Billings C.N.M.. They did not treat Faolin and his mother's condition properly when she needed an emergency Caesarean section. In fact, Lepore failed to perform it until nearly an hour later. Faolin has neurological injuries because of this. -
Lepore Jr Massachusetts Case Offer of Proof -- 05/06/2021
Lepore Jr Massachusetts Case Notice of Tribunal Waived -- 05/06/2021
Lepore Jr Massachusetts Case Docket Sheet -- 05/06/2021
Lepore Jr Massachusetts Case Notice of Tribunal Waived DPH -- 05/06/2021
Lepore Jr Massachusetts Case Board of Registration in Medicine of Waiver of Tribunal -- 05/06/2021