Uta Landy
3333 California St. Ste. 335 Box 0744, San Francisco, CA 94143Procedures
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
Uta Landy is the National Director of the Kenneth J. Ryan Residency Training Program in Abortion and Reproductive Health at the University of California in San Francisco. The Ryan program specifically trains medical residents to perform abortions. Part of their mission is “to establish training opportunities for residents through outpatient pregnancy termination services in teaching hospitals or through collaborative community partners.”

Misc Documents
Kenneth J. Ryan Residency Training Program in Abortion and Reproductive Health – trains residents to perform abortions
Uta Landy and Philip Darney receive Margaret Sanger Award - Bixby Center
Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger Award List - 2012 Award Winners, Philip Darney and Uta Landy
Uta Landy - LinkedIn Profile
Uta Landy, PhD - Biography and Background
Uta Landy married to abortionist Philip Darney – “Faces of the American Holocaust”
Ryan Residency Training Program funded by the Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation – “The New Abortion Providers,” New York Times, 7-14-2010
Warren Buffet donates $3 BILLION for mainstreaming abortion
Warren Buffet donates $3 billion for mainstreaming abortion practice in regular medicine – Kenneth J. Ryan abortion training program one of beneficiaries -
“How Warren Buffett is Helping New Abortion Providers,” Slate.com, 7-14-2010