Abortion Mill
American Women's Services - Phillipsburg -INACTIVEAmerican Women's Services - Pittsburgh, PA -INACTIVE
American Women's Services - Voorhees
Medical School
Grant Medical College, University of Bombay, IndiaAffiliations
Worked for Steven Chase Brigham.Phone
600 Summerdale Rd, Voorhees, NJ 08043Procedures
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
Documented Sex Abuse Committed By Members of the Abortion Cartel. 10/19/2016
Complaint seeks to disallow sex offender from control of Brigham’s New Jersey abortion business
Brigham transfers NJ abortion clinics to confirmed sex abuser
Dr. Vikram Kaji has a long history of sexually abusing his patients. Dr. Kaji was professionally disciplined by the State of New Jersey on November 1, 1993, and given a 12-month suspension for sexually abusing three patients and indiscriminately prescribing controlled dangerous substances. He was disciplined for having sex with one patient in his office, and for performing ‘‘improper’’ rectal and breast exams on two other patients. According to a consent order, Dr. Kaji knew the woman he had sex with suffered from severe depression, had been sexually abused as a child, and had once been hospitalized for psychiatric problems. He was also disciplined by the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency on February 22, 1994, and made to surrender his controlled substance license. He was also disciplined by the State of Pennsylvania on December 23, 1994, and his license was suspended for 36 months. SOURCE HERE
- NOTE: Convicted Sex Offender (See Criminal History)
- Formerly worked at Allentown Medical Services.

Misc Documents
AWS Abortionists' Scorechart of Abuses -- chart 2
"Abortion Foes Get Offer To Hear Clinic Patients" -- New York Times -- 12-02-1989
Answer to Order to Show Cause - Rose Health Services Company
Business Searches-Screenshots
Business searches show no evidence of actual transfer of ownership of NJ abortion businesss from Steven Chase Brigham to Kaji. -
Former NJ abortion doctor appeals his license revocation, divests from clinics
NJ.com, 4-2-2015 -
NJ Attorney General: Abortion doctor unlawfully owns clinics
NJ.com, 7-1-2015 -
Clinic opens today: abortion available in Erie for first time since 70's
GoErie.com, 9-19-2003. Steven Brigham opens a new abortion clinic in Erie, NJ. See page 4 for info on abortionist Vikram Kaji. -
Patient says she regrets abortion
Andrea Staargaard regrets the abortion she had at a New Jersey clinic owned by Steven Brigham. Brigham's Erie clinic opens today, making abortions available in Erie for the first time since the late 1970s. --Janet B. Campbell http://www.goerie.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20030919/FRONTPAGE/109190346 -
Woman recounts abortion at Brigham's New Jersey clinic
GoErie.com, 9-19-2003. Personal account from one of Vikram Kaji's former abortion patients. See details on Kaji on page 2. David Bruce, Sept. 19, 2003: Andrea Staargaard says she regrets her abortion at Steven Brigham's New Jersey clinic, recounts bad experience at the hands of clinic staff and abortionist Vikram Kaji. -
2018-10-04 After abortions were botched, he lost his N.J. medical license. Will his clinics stay open? - Philly.com
Article on abortionists Steven Brigham and Vikram Kaji. PDF version 1: Contains pictures - some text missing. -
Brigham, Steven -- Oct. 4, 2018 After abortions were botched, he lost his NJ medical license - Will his clinics stay open - Philly.com
Version 2: Copy of article on abortionists Steven Brigham and Vikram Kaji. All pictures and text intact. -
License Restrictions
Kaji, Vikram H. 01-49-01560 OK
Reinstatement of License -2001 -
Kaji, Vikram H. 96-49-01044 OK
Stay of license suspension for probationary period - 1996 -
Kaji, Vikram H., MD-031218-L, 97-49-03770 OK
Re-suspension of license due to legal violations during probationary period -1997 -
NJ Consent order 05242013
Failed to discharge his duties as medical director at 5 out of 7 of Brigham's NJ abortion clinics where numerous deficiencies were found. Also suffered a stroke that produced visible mental and physical impairment. -
Kaji Consent Order 05082018
Kaji agrees to stop practicing medicine and serving as medical director for American Women's Services abortion mills in New Jersey, which are controlled by the notorious Steven Chase Brigham.
Disciplinary History
PA Kaji Suspension
Kaji NY Revocation Order-1995
Kaji, Vikram Hiralal 93-49-03525 OK
Kaji Administrative Complaint -06162015
June 16, 2015 Administrative Complaint against Kaji alleging that the transfer of ownership to Brigham's American Women's Services New Jersey abortion businesses was a sham. Seeks disciplinary action, including license revocation, and seeks to ban him from acting as medical director. -
Kaji Consent Agreement 4-10-2019
In the 4/10/2019 consent agreement, Kaji agrees to surrender his New Jersey medical license, all prescription pads, and divest himself of 7 American Women's Services abortion clinics within 60 days of the order.
Malpractice History
O'Connell Case v Brigham, Kaji, et al - Motion of Approval
Motion of Approval for Alternate Service for Brigham (Unable to serve him in previous attempts.) -
O'Connell Case v Brigham, Kaji, et al - Motion to Consolidate
Motion to Consolidate. Initial suit did not include Brigham and Kaji; However, after the deposition of the first suit, the Plaintiff filed a second suit to include them then requested the two suits be consolidated. -
O'Connell Case v Brigham, Kaji, et al - Lawsuit
Suit against Brigham and Kaji (to be consolidated later with initial suit.) -
O'Connell Case v Brigham, Kaji, et al - Certificate of Expert Dr. Daniel Small
O'Connell Case v Brigham, Kaji, et al - Daniel Small Deposition 10 26 2015
O'Connell Case v Brigham, Kaji, et al - Default Judgement
America's Carefully Hidden Sex Scandal
Report_ Rape & Sexual Assault In The American Abortion Industry - Life Dynamics
NJ Attorney General Pursues Case against abortionists Steven Brigham and Vikram Kaji _ New Jersey Right to Life