Alamo Women's Reproductive Services
Eduardo L. AquinoSherwood C. Lynn, Jr.
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Alamo Women’s Clinic merged with Reproductive Services to form Alamo Women’s Reproductive Services – 2012
Active surgical clinic: 7402 John Smith Dr, #101, San Antonio, TX 78229.
Closed after Roe v. Wade was overturned. 06/27
Resumed and stopped again after TX Supreme Court blocked order
7402 John Smith Dr, #101, San Antonio, TX 78229Photos

Misc Documents
Abortion in Texas halted again after appeals court allows ban to resume - CBS News - April 20, 2020
Some abortions may proceed in Texas during the coronavirus pandemic, federal judge rules - Click2Houston - April 9, 2020
Appeals court lets Texas enforce coronavirus-related abortion ban, for now - omaha.com - March 31, 2020
On Tuesday afternoon, a divided three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily blocked Yeakel’s ruling and gave both sides until 5 p.m. Friday to submit their legal briefs on the matter. -
Abortion in Texas: Federal judge blocks state's temporary ban - CBS News - March 30, 2020
"Patients will suffer serious and irreparable harm in the absence of a temporary restraining order," wrote Judge Lee Yeakel, a George W. Bush-appointee, in his nine-page opinion. "The attorney general's interpretation of the Executive Order prevents Texas women from exercising what the Supreme Court has declared is their fundamental constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before a fetus is viable." -
Texas Abortion Providers Accuse Gov. of ‘Playing Politics,’ Sue over Abortion Ban amid Coronavirus - March 26, 2020
"Texas abortion providers heed attorney general warning and halt abortions amid coronavirus" -- Dallas Morning News -- March 24, 2020
Texas Attorney General -- Order halting all medically unnecessary surgeries and procedures -- March 23, 2020
"Health Care professionals and facilities, including abortion providers, must immediately stop all medically unnecessary surgeries and procedures to preserve resources to fight COVID-19 Pandemic. […] Failure to comply with an executive order issued by the governor related to the COVID-19 disaster can result in penalties of up to $1,000 or 180 days of jail time." -
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 3 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 4 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et a
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 8 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et a
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 9 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 12 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 13 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 14 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 24 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 25 - order granting Jane Doe, MD's motion to quash deposition subpoena -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
Alamo City Surgery Center (aka Alamo Women's Reproductive Services) is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. Anonymous Hawaii doctor "Jane Doe, MD" was subpoenaed to testify in a Texas abortion case. She refused, and filed a motion to "quash" the subpoena. The U.S District Court of Hawaii grants her request, and allows her not to testify. -
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 26 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 27 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017-10-23 non-party Jane Doe, MD - motion to quash deposition subpoena - Hawaii document 1 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
Alamo City Surgery Center (aka Alamo Women's Reproductive Services) is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. Hawaii doctor "Jane Doe, MD" receives a subpoena to testify in a Texas lawsuit about abortion regulation. The anonymous "Dr. Doe" refuses to testify, and she files a motion to quash the deposition subpoena. -
S.A. could have three abortion clinics after new law goes into effect -- June 13, 2015
Moved to new location on John Smith Dr, June 11, 2015.
License Restrictions
Deficiency Report
Alamo City Surgery San Antonio Inspection Nov 24 2015
Deficiency report - October 21, 2020
No violations cited