Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Closed this site in June 2020. Reopened in new location. This profile is now inactive.
Resumed surgical and medical abortions in 2020.
Moved from old location at: 1211 27th Place S., Birmingham, AL 35205 in 2020 when new facility was completed.
THIS FACILITY halted all abortions in SEPTEMBER, 2017, while it sought a new location. Abortions have since resumed.
Resumed surgical abortions in 2016.
Former clinic abortionist: Sarah E. Dilley
Former clinic abortionist: Aquadon E. Umoren
Former clinic abortionist: John Gibson Curington
Former clinic abortionist: Yashica L. Robinson White
Former clinic abortionist: Hedwige “Didi” Saint Louis
Former clinic abortionist: Sarah B. Miller
Reopened for surgical in 2015, but has halted them again as of August, 2015, doing medication only.
Temporarily suspended all services 01/15/2014. Began performing medical abortions again 10/17/14.
1019 1st Avenue North, Birmingham, AL 35203, USAPhotos

Misc Documents
Exempt From Income Tax 2006 IRS 990
ADPH Deficiency Statement
Nov. 9, 2006 -
ADPH Deficiency Statement
Oct. 9, 2008 -
ADPH Compliance Statement
April 24, 2008 -
ADPH Deficiency Statement
Oct. 15, 2009: Includes failure to comply with child sex abuse reporting laws and committing abortions on minors without parental consent. -
ADPH Deficiency Statement
July 28, 2011 -
ADPH Deficiency Statement
Aug. 1, 2006 -
ADPH Deficiency Statement
Aug. 28, 2007 -
ADPH Deficiency Statement
Sept. 20, 2006 -
ADPH Compliance Statement
November 11, 2010 -
FOIA Request - PP Birmingham - Sep 19, 2012
The Life Legal Defense Foundation issues a FOIA request of several documents relating to deficiencies, corrective measures, and abortion services. -
planned parenthood of alabama, inc - birmingham inspection 01-09-2013
Inspection prompted by a patient complaint. Complaint substantiated. Exam table not in good repair, cracked vinyl and other problems, no infection control, recovery room chairs not right, complaint information missing from discharge instructions, exam room and recovery room not separate, emergency evacuation plan not correct. -
planned parenthood of alabama, inc - birmingham inspection 08-20-2014
Deficiency report - expired surgical curettes. -
planned parenthood of alabama, inc - birmingham inspection 03-04-2014
Result of complaint. Complaint substantiated. Serious problems: 20 pages of deficiencies related to shoddy practices. -
many violations and deficiencies through the years -
Birmingham Center PP-- 2016-09-23 Alabama Health Dept inspection survey
Birmingham Center PP -- 2018-05-16 Alabama Health Dept inspection survey
No deficiencies found; last documented abortion performed in Sept 2017.
Disciplinary History
Consent Agreement-Probation Order
Planned Parenthood in Birmingham was placed on probation for 1 year for failing to comply with child sex abuse reporting and parental consent laws. -
Complaint - PP Birmingham - Sep 19, 2012
Planned Parenthood faces complaints over incompetent abortion services. -
planned parenthood birmingham 9-23-16
Failure to wash hands between patients and sterilize surgical instruments among 15 pages of violations.