Jamie Michele PhiferEric Kfir Yahav
Richard M. Lieblich
856-667-5910 or 800-877-6331Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Two Hemorrhages and Possible Sepsis at Notorious New Jersey Abortion Facility
Woman has Multiple Grand Mal Seizures at New Jersey Abortion Clinic, Published 9/2/2022
Woman Choked on Own Vomit During Abortion in New Jersey as Pandemic Raged, May 14, 2020
911: Woman Hemorrhages After Elective Abortion on 24-Week Viable Baby, 10/1/2019
Miscarriage or Worse? What Really Happened At Cherry Hill Women’s Center?, 10/16/2018
Former clinic abortionist: Meghan Louise Kane (Meghan Louis Schaefer)
Former clinic abortionist: Karen Leigh Houck
Former clinic abortionist: Taida J. Wolfe
Former clinic abortionist: David T. Broizman
Former clinic abortionist: Adam L. Moises
Clinic director: Elizabeth Barnes
502 Kings Hwy. N., Cherry Hill, NJ 08034Photos

Misc Documents
New Jersey Governor's Order regarding COVID-19 -- March 23, 2020 -- explicitly exempts abortion services from ban on non-essential procedures
Governor Murphy Suspends All Elective Surgeries, Invasive Procedures to Preserve Essential Equipment and Hospital Capacity. “The order provides that it shall not be interpreted in any way to limit access to family planning services, including termination of pregnancies.” -
Cherry Hill Womens - Consent Forms
Pro-life Side Wins Settlement in Case Connecting Abortion and Breast Cancer, a First in the United States
2009-2010 Liability Insurance -- "Locum Tenens" abortionist list
Liability insurance document for multiple abortion clinics. Includes "Locum Tenens" list of abortion doctors insured at various clinics. Clinic locations include: Hartford Gyn Center (CT), Cherry Hill Women's Center (NJ), Atlanta Women's Medical Center (GA), Philadelphia Women's Center (now located at 777 Appletree St, 7th Floor, Philadelphia, PA), and Far Northeast Center Planned Parenthood (2751 Comly Rd, Philadelphia, PA). See clinic names on pages 1-2. See abortionist list and clinic addresses on page 2. -
Cherry Hill Women's Center -- Tax Foreclosure Court Case - Closed - 08/09/2013
Ambulatory Care Facility License
Valid through 03/31/2023 -
Cherry Hill Clinic - Ambulatory Care Facility License Application
Deficiency Report
Deficiency Report - July 16, 2019
No deficiencies cited. -
Deficiency Report - September 28, 2018
Inspection of humidity levels at Cherry Hill Women's Center
Malpractice History
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
Kalynda Collins, Mother of 2, was killed by "negligent, reckless, outrageous conduct" of defendants at Cherry Hill Women's Center.
Though Lieblich was aware of Kalynda's severe allergy to iodine, proven by previous allergic reaction to iodine in laminaria sticks, a large quantity of iodine was administered causing a severe allergic reaction. Defendants "were not capable or competent to properly respond...failure to properly respond to the code blue and failure to properly administer advanced cardiovascular life support to Ms. Collins resulted in her death." -
Computer-Aided Dispatch Transcript Emergency 3/7/2023
Cardiac Emergency: 24-year-old female with chest pain -
Computer-Aided Dispatch Transcript Emergency 1/6/2023
Emergency transport of 35-year-old woman with severe abdominal pain and possible ruptured ectopic pregnancy. -
Computer-Aided Dispatch Transcript Emergency 10/8/2023
32-year-old woman with possible ectopic pregnancy and pain. -
CAD Transcript 11-14-2019
CAD printout related to a medical emergency involving a 21-year old woman who suffered a life-threatening hemorrhage after an abortion at the Cherry Hill Women's Center. -
W-8641 -- Redacted CAD Report -- camden county
CAD from July 27, 2016 showing a medical emergency involving a Cherry Hill Women's Center patient who was hospitalized for bleeding. -
09-12-2015 - CAD Cherry Hill Womens Ctr
September 12, 2015: Patient transported to hospital with unknown injuries. -
Cherry Hill Emergency October 5 2016