Six Rivers Planned Parenthood
Edward C. OlsgardPhone
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Clinic address: 3225 Timber Fall Ct., Eureka, CA 95503
PDF check: Articles converted to PDF format. 02-07-2020
3225 Timber Fall Ct., Eureka, CA 95503Documents
Misc Documents
2011-Six Rivers Planned Parenthood 990 Form
2014 Form 990 -- Six Rivers Inc. Formerly Six Rivers PP
Six Rivers Inc, Formerly Six Rivers Planned Parenthood -- State: CA -- Net Assets: $1,426,863 -- Gross Revenue: $-378,457 -- Net Revenue: $-1,328,387 -
2014-07-31 - Re-Planned Parenthood: North Coast clinic gets new managers and a new name - North Coast Journal
2014-07-31 (printer-friendly) - Re-Planned Parenthood: North Coast clinic gets new management and a new name - North Coast Journal