Karl I. SchaefferPhone
Surgery: NOMedication: YES
Other Info
Former clinic abortionist: David M. Burkons
Former clinic abortionist: Harley Myron Blank
As of 2019 they said Karl Schaeffer is their only abortionist.
The separated abortion clinic is named “Your Choice Healthcare,” and only performs medical abortions. They claim to be “unaffiliated” with the former clinic, but took the old phone number (614-251-1800) and stated that the old clinic location was closed. Confirmed 07-12-2018. BE
However, the “old” or original location only closed temporarily and reopened in the fall of 2018, but lost its surgical license on November 13, 2018. They still do abortions, but now only medical abortions. Confirmed 11-30-2018. CS
Medical clinic address: 1243 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43205.
Clinic marked “closed” as of May 22, 2020.
1243 E. Broad St., Columbus, OH 43205Videos
Misc Documents
Federal judge blocks Ohio from using coronavirus health order to restrict abortions - cleveland.com - 03-30-2020
Yost orders clinics to stop ’non-essential and elective’ surgical abortions -- The Columbus Dispatch -- March 21, 2020
Attorney General of Ohio orders abortion clinics to stop performing non-essential abortions during the COVID-19 outbreak. -
Ohio Department of Health -- order halting all non-essential and elective surgeries and procedures -- March 17, 2020
Founder's Women's Health Ctr (Columbus, OH) -- Ohio abortion clinic license - expired 2018
Founders Women's Health Ctr (Columbus, OH) -- 2014 clinic license renewal
Founders Women's Health Ctr (Columbus, OH) -- 2015 clinic license renewal
Founders Women's Health Ctr (Columbus, OH) -- 2016 clinic license renewal
Founders Women's Health Ctr (Columbus, OH) -- 2017 clinic license renewal
Founders Women's Health Ctr (Columbus, OH) -- 2018 Clinic license renewal application