Hudson Health Center Planned Parenthood
Byrd ClevelandMeera J. Shah
Surgery: NOMedication: YES
Other Info
Formerly a surgical abortion clinic. See documents and more info on clinic here.
Resumed performing surgical abortions in 2019.
Vanita Kumar, MD, is the medical director of PP Hudson Peconic.
Abortionist Meera Shah, MD, is the associate medical director of PP Hudson Peconic.
Formerly Hudson- Peconic
804 Columbia Street, Hudson, NY 12534, USADocuments
Misc Documents
PP Hudson Peconic -- 2015 Form 990 -- Vanita Kumar, MD, Susan Merguerian, RN -- salaries
2015 tax document for administrative Planned Parenthood office at 4 Skyline Dr., Hawthorne, NY, 10532. Doctor Vanita Kumar earned $156,014 as Medical Director, and nurse Susan Merguerian earned $135,139 as Director of Medical Services. See page 15. -
PP Hudson Peconic -- Susan Merguerian, RN -- New York license data
New York registered nurse license listing for PP Hudson Peconic Director of Medical Services Susan Merguerian. -
PP Hudson Peconic -- Vanita Kumar, MD -- NY medical profile
New York medical doctor listing for Vanita Kumar, MD, the Medical Director of PP Hudson Peconic. -
PP Hudson Peconic -- Vanita Kumar, Susan Merguerian salaries -- 2015 Form 990 excerpt
Excerpt from page 15 of the 2015 Form 990 for PP Hudson Peconic, showing salary data for Vanita Kumar and Susan Merguerian. -
PP Hudson Peconic -- Form 990 excerpt - Vanita Kumar, MD - Susan Merguerian, RN
Staffing list from Form 990 tax document excerpt for PP Hudson Peconic. Staff includes nurse Susan Merguerian and medical doctor Vanita Kumar. -
Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood Operating Certificate
These facilities are not licensed or supervised by the State of New York -
Ilana Gamza-Machado de Sousa vs. Planned Parenthood -- Discrimination and Employment Rights - New York Court Case - 06/24/2021
This is a New York Court Case between Ilana and the Planned Parenthood Federation of America.