Jennifer Donofrio - does not perform abortionsHeidi L. Meinz - does not perform abortions
Debra Birenbaum
Brenna C. Stapp, DO
Jenny Backman M.D.
Angela Brady Diorio, ARNP
Joshua M. Nathan
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Dr. Jenny Backman performs medical and surgical abortions here up to 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Dr. Joshua Nathan performs medical and surgical abortions here up to 10 weeks of pregnancy.
Dr. Heidi Meinz works here but does not perform abortions.
Dr. Jennifer Donofrio works here but does not perform abortions.
Dr. Jillian Dulac works here but does not perform abortions.
Former clinic abortionist: Robert P. Cervenka
Former clinic abortionist: Gary A. Wasserman
Former abortionist: Wayne L. Goldner
The Manchester Ob/Gyn clinic website brags they have performed abortions since 1973. Formerly named Manchester Obstetrical Associates.
150 Tarrytown Road, Manchester, NH 03103Photos
Misc Documents
Manchester Ob-Gyn -- Doctors photo bios - Joshua Nathan, Jenny Backman, & others
Doctors photo bios at Manchester Ob-Gyn, including Joshua Nathan, MD, and Jenny Backman, MD. Nathan and Backman are both Ob-Gyn doctors, and both perform medical and surgical abortions up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. -
UConn Health - 2017 Ob-Gyn Residency Graduates -- Jenny Backman, MD - now at Manchester Ob-Gyn
Ob-Gyn Residency for Jenny Backman, MD. Backman now works at Manchester Ob-Gyn, where some of the doctors perform abortions. Jenny Backman performs both medical and surgical abortions up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. -
Dr. Jenny G. Backman and Dr. Joshua Nathan also work here.
Manchester Ob/Gyn website -- Abortion advertisement, abortionist info
Manchester OB Corp REALTY
Manchester OB Corporate filing 2020
Manchester Corporate Info
License Restrictions
Backman, Jenny G. -- Connecticut controlled substance license - valid through 02-28-2019
CT drug license for Jenny G. Backman, MD. (Backman works at Manchester Ob-Gyn Associates). -
Backman, Jenny G. -- New Hampshire medical license - valid through 06-30-2019
NH medical license, educational background, & ob-gyn speciality for Jenny G. Backman, MD. Note practice location at Manchester Ob-Gyn Associates. Jenny Backman performs both medical and surgical abortions up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. -
Nathan, Joshua M. -- New Hampshire medical license - valid through 06-30-2019
Joshua M. Nathan -- NH medical license, educational info, and listing at Manchester Ob-Gyn. Joshua Nathan performs both medical and surgical abortions up to 10 weeks of pregnancy.