Silver Spring, MD - Dr. Bruno A. Chumpitazi 4
Bruno A. ChumpitaziPhone
Surgery: NOMedication: YES
Other Info
11030 Lockwood Dr, Silver Spring, MD 20901Photos

Misc Documents
Chumpitazi at HealthGrades.com -- Maryland Abortion Pill Center listing
HealthGrades profile for Bruno A. Chumpitazi, MD. Note address and phone number listing for Maryland Abortion Pill Center. -
Maryland Abortion Pill Center website - location, address, & phone
Location and phone listing on abortion clinic website -- note match with Dr. Bruno A. Chumpitazi listings. -
Chumpitazi at Vitals.com -- abortion clinic address & phone 1
Vitals.com listing for Bruno A. Chumpitazi, MD. Note address and phone listing for Maryland Abortion Pill Center. -
Chumpitazi at Vitals.com -- abortion clinic address & phone 2
Vitals.com listing for Bruno A. Chumpitazi, MD. Note address and phone listing for Maryland Abortion Pill Center.
License Restrictions
Chumpitazi -- District of Columbia medical license
Washington, DC (District of Columbia) medical license for Bruno A. Chumpitazi, MD. Note abortion clinic practice address (Maryland Abortion Pill Center.) -
Chumpitazi -- Maryland medical license
Maryland medical license for Bruno A. Chumpitazi. Note practice address and phone for abortion clinic (Maryland Abortion Pill Center.)