Surgery: YESMedication: NO
Other Info
This facility has temporarily halted abortions as of mid-April 2017 due to not having an abortionist. Earliest estimated resumption of abortions not expected until June 2017. This facility never resumed abortions.
Video: Planned Parenthood Strikes Again! 2/27/2017
Former clinic abortionist: Tamer Yvette Middleton
Former clinic abortionist: Yashica Lynnette Robinson White
Former clinic abortionist: Sacheen Nathan (aka Sacheen Carr-Ellis)
Dropped medication abortions and resumed surgical abortions in 2016.
Temporarily only doing medication abortions. (August, 2015)
Inactive surgical clinic. Click here for “pill clinic” page.
Clinic address: 717 Downtowner Loop West, Mobile, AL 36609
717 Downtowner Loop West, Mobile, AL 36609Photos

Misc Documents
ADPH Deficiency Statement-PP Mobile May 2005
Cabinets with birth control, IUDs, medications, sterile items not locked or logged (accessible to anyone). Clinic failed to maintain safe and sanitary environment: physician does not change his soiled apron between patients, blankets and heating pads are used without disposable covers for multiple patients, washing temperature for laundering sheets for patients was not hot enough to clean properly and no bleach was used, a gasoline container was stored in the clinic (unsafe hazard), no maintenance or repairs on sterilizing equipment to ensure safe use or proper sterilization of surgical instruments. -
ADPH Deficiency Report-PP Mobile Aug 2011
Annual policy/procedure review not conducted. Infection control not practiced. Observation/recovery care of patients with severe cramps or blood clots greater than 3 cm or uncontrollable bleeding was not practiced. Surgical pathology lab results not documented. Ultrasound not performed before procedure for accurate diagnosis. Emergency pharmaceutical kit not kept properly. No RN documenting medication/drug administration times or doses in charts. Tissue removed during an abortion not identified or examined to ensure full removal and prevent infection. -
PP Southeast IRS Form 990 - 1
planned parenthood MOBILE MAY 2016 SURVEY
Clinic policy review by medical staff not completed, the one abortionist's/doctor's credentials were not kept up-to-date, 12 of 17 patients were not observed for post-op recovery or emergency complications, staff FAILED to wash hands or practice appropriate infection control, fire extinguishers not inspected, blood glucose machine and x-ray illuminator and other patient-used machines not properly maintained, ultrasound test strips were expired, other medicines and drugs and syringes were expired, ceiling tiles were broken and hanging down, there was hole in the hallway wall. -
planned parenthood MOBILE SURVEY YEARS
planned parenthood southeast in alabama case dismissal 2014
planned parenthood southeast in alabama federal case appeal 2016
planned parenthood southeast in alabama federal case 2016
Mobile Center Planned Parenthood -- 2018-03-22 Alabama Health Dept inspection survey
No deficiencies found; last documented abortion was performed in March 2017.