Paula Helen BednarekElizabeth Paula Banks, NP
Nora J. Doty
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Performs both surgical and pill abortions.
3727 NE Martin Luther King Jr., Portland, OR 97212Documents
Misc Documents
2014 Form 990 PP Columbia Willamette
Planned Parenthood of the Columbia Willamette -- State: OR -- Net Assets: $21,440,699 -- Gross Revenue: $24,138,786 -- Net Revenue: $2,468,776 -- Key Employee 1: Liz Banks (Director of clinical services) -- Key Employee 1 Compensation: $115,231 -- Key Employee 2: Marie Gibson (Lead Clinician) -- Key Employee 2 Compensation: $118,871 -- Key Employee 3: Mindie Metka (Lead clinician) -- Key Employee 3 Compensation: $102,388 -- Key Employee 4: Tatyana Dembrow (Lead clinician) -- Key Employee 4 Compensation: $101,011 -
Form 990-PP-Columbia Willamette-2013
Total Revenue: $21,562,101 / Net assets: $19,851,224 -
Form 990-PP-SW Oregon-2014
Total Revenue: $7,092,477 / Net assets: $11,426,512 -
2014 Form 990 -- PP Advocates of Oregon
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Oregon -- State: OR -- Net Assets: $53,300 -- Gross Revenue: $578,948 -- Net Revenue: $23,216 -
May 2012 - Obstetrics & Gynecology -- Abortion pain control study at Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette (aka NE Portland Center PP)
Abortion pain control study at PP Columbia Willamette abortion clinic, in coordination with Oregon Health and Science University. See researchers' names on page 1, and location details on page 2. -
2019-03-05 Complaint -- American Medical Asssociation & Planned Parenthood et al v. Azar
Lawsuit over Title X abortion regulations. Plaintiffs include the PP Federation of America, PP of Southwestern Oregon, PP Columbia Willamette, Thomas N. Ewing, MD, and Michelle P. McGregian, CNP. Plaintiff Thomas N. Ewing, MD, is Medical Director and Vice President of Medical Services for PP of Southwestern Oregon. Ewing and McGregian provide abortion counseling and referral at PP. See pages 11-12.