Comprehensive Health Planned Parenthood
Iman AlsadenOrrin A. Moore
Elizabeth Daily
Irene E. Bettinger
Joshua Yap
Ruth M. Lehman Wiens
Hayley Marcus MD
Autumn Davidson
Mansi Rajendra Shah
Milton McColl
Sarah Spurgeon
Geeth Kavya Minama Reddy
Erin Ahart
Lisa G. Netherland
Leslie Dunmire
Aurelie Cabou
Erika Gazzetta
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
ALSO KNOWN As Planned Parenthood of Kansas & Mid-Missouri, or Planned Parenthood Great Plains
Former clinic abortionist: Allen S. Palmer
Timeline of efforts to bring Planned Parenthood (PPKM) to justice.
Undercover tape shows Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood Still breaking the law. (See audio file below)
New Docs from Kansas Judge Reveal Planned Parenthood Charges Fraudulently Dropped
Ethics case progresses against two KS officials that bungled PP case
Abortionist Mae-Lan Winchester may also work here.
Active surgical clinic: 4401 W. 109th St. Suite 100, Overland Park, KS 66211
4401 W. 109th St., Overland Park, KS 66211Photos

Misc Documents
Midwest Access Project
MAP is a training program for abortionists. -
Consent Forms
List of doctors preforming abortions in KS -
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2010
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2002
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2003
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2004
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2005
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2006
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2007
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2008
Form 990 - PP Kansas and Mid-Missouri - 2009
2015 Vivion LLC vs PP of KS and MO - Unlawful Detainer Case
4100 Vivion v pp missouri 2015 parties of case
4100 Vivion v pp kansas and missouri 2015 docket
4100 Vivion v pp kansas and missouri 2015 Judge
Blunt v Planned Parenthood of KS and Mid MO
Filed May 25, 2016: American with Disabilities Act suit brought by former PP employee who claims she was given a heavy work load with no help. Stress triggered her Bipolar disorder. When employee asked for help she was fired, according to complaint. -
2014 Form 990 -- PP of Kansas and Mid-Missouri
Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri -- State: KS / MO -- Net Assets: $17,325,466 -- Gross Revenue: $3,427,539 -- Net Revenue: $-1,081,799 -- Key Worker 1: "not listed for security reasons (Physician) -- Key Worker 1 Compensation: $258211 -- Key Worker 2: "not listed for security reasons" (nurse) -- Key Worker 2 Compensation: $102,472 -
2014 Form 990 -- Comprehensive Health of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri Inc
Comprehensive health of Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri -- State: KS / MO -- Net Assets: $65,509 -- Gross Revenue: $3,127,749 -- Net Revenue: $-513,204 -- Key Worker 1: Not listed for security reasons (Physician) -- Key Worker 1 Compensation: $258,211 -- Key Worker 2: Not listed for security reasons (Lead nurse practitioner) -- Key Worker 2 Compensation: $102,472 -
2014 Form 990-EZ -- PP Advocates of Kansas and Mid-Missouri
Planned Parenthood Advocates of Kansas and Mid-Missouri -- State: KS / MO -- Net Assets: $57,629 -- Gross Revenue: $79,076 -- Net Revenue: $-24,779 -
KS Informed Consent form -- PP Great Plains
Informed consent form for PP Comprehensive Health abortion clinic. Lists Irene Bettinger, Ronald Yeomans, Orrin Moore, & Andrew Broselow as abortionists. See page 3. -
2016-11-16 Complaint - PP Great Plains (and Yeomans) v. Missouri
2017-06-02 - Order, per appeal - PP Great Plains (and Yeomans) v. Missouri
2017-06-08 - Memorandum - PP Great Plains (and Yeomans) v. Missouri
2017-07-06 - Appellees' surreply in opposition to motion for stay of injunction pending appeal - PP Great Plains (and Yeomans) v. Missouri
KS 24-hour informed consent form -- PP Great Plains
Informed consent form for PP Comprehensive Health abortion clinic. Lists Irene Bettinger, Ronald Yeomans, Andrew Broselow, & Orrin Moore as abortionists. -
2016-03-10 Notice of Intent to Terminate Provider
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier -- Kansas Governor Sam Brownback lists alleged infractions of various providers, and directs KDHE to terminate certain providers including Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri (see page 2) from participating in KS Medicaid & KanCare. Document also includes a letter to each provider, stating that the provider will be subject to administrative review on a certain date. -
2016-05-03 Notice of Decision to Terminate Provider
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier -- Letter to providers including PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri (see page 2). After administrative review, the KDHE has decided to terminate the providers' participation in the Kansas Medical Assistance Program (includes Medicaid and KanCare), effective May 10, 2016. -
2016-05-04 Affidavit in support of Motion for leave to appear Pro Hac Vice
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-05-04 Corporate Disclosure Statement
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-05-17 Transcript of Telephone Status Conference with Judge (filed 09-15-2016)
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-06-07 Transcript of Motion for Restraining Order & Preliminary Injunction, filed 09-15-2016
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
2016-06-29 Motion of Dismissal
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri V. Mosier -- Plaintiffs dismiss case after KDHE rescinds notices of termination of participation in the Kansas Medical Assistance Program. -
2016-08-03 Notice of Appeal
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier -- The Kansas Dept. of Health & Environment (KDHE) appeals to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. -
2017-08-11 Notice of Withdrawal of Appearance (PP lawyer leaves case)
PP Kansas & Mid-Missouri v. Mosier - court document -
Carter v. Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains - employment discrimination
Lawsuit against PP of the Great Plains. -
Vivian LLC v. PP of Kansas & Missouri -- 2015-11-04 unlawful detainer
Lawsuit against PP of Kansas & Missouri. -
Williams v. Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains -- employment discrimination
Lawsuit against PP of the Great Plains. -
Isabel v Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri -- list of parties
Vivion v Planned Parenthood of Kansas and Mid-Missouri -- list of parties
02-01-2018 Meet Planned Parenthood Great Plains New CEO - Brandon Hill, Ph.D.
Brandon Hill, Ph.D., is the new CEO for PP Great Plains. Hill formerly worked as a sex researcher at the University of Chicago. -
Brandon Hill, Ph.D. -- University of Chicago bio - screenshot
Screenshot: Bio for gay sex expert Brandon Hill at University of Chicago. Hill is now CEO for Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains. -
Univ of Chicago -- Chicago Center of HIV Elimination - Brandon Hill, Ph.D.
Faculty bios: Includes bio for gay sex expert Brandon Hill at University of Chicago. Hill is now CEO for Planned Parenthood of the Great Plains. See pages 8-9. -
2016-11-30 Comprehensive Health of PP Great Plains et al v. Lyskowski
PP sues the State of Missouri over abortion regulations. Plaintiffs include Reproductive Health Services PP of the St. Louis Region, and abortionist Ronald Yeomans. -
01-22-2019 - Notice of Removal -- Little Rock Family Planning & PP of Arkansas & Eastern Oklahoma v. Arkansas Board of Health
Little Rock Family Planning abortion clinic and PP of Arkansas and Eastern Oklahoma (aka Planned Parenthood Great Plains) sue the Arkansas Board of Health over abortion regulations. -
2019-01-11 State Defendant's Suggestions in Opposition -- Comprehensive Health of PP Great Plains v. Williams et al
PP Comprehensive Health files a lawsuit over abortion regulations. -
Comprehensive Health of PP v. Williams, et al - 2019-01-11 Exhibits - 2013-2018 Inspection Reports - Deficiencies & Plan of Correction
Exhibit document in PP lawsuit over abortion regulations. 2013-2018 Health Dept Inspection Reports from two PP abortion clinics. Numerous health code violations and failures cited in Health Dept Inspections of Comprehensive Health Services PP (Columbia, MO), and Reproductive Health Center PP (St Louis, MO). See pages 2, 4, 12, & 47. -
Case Docket -- PP of the St. Louis Region & Southwest Missouri v. Missouri Dept of Social Services - case 2
Case 2 - Planned Parenthood sues Missouri. -
PP Comprehensive Health of PP Great Plains v. MO Dept of Social Services, & MO Medicaid
Case 1 - Planned Parenthood sues Missouri. -
PP Comprehensive Health -- Kansas 24-hour consent form - July 2020 (abortionists)
July 2020 informed consent form. Abortionists include: Iman Alsaden, Rhea Hartley, Laura Laursen, Elizabeth Daily, Joshua Yap, and Quinn Jackson. See pages 3-4.
PP Comprehensive Health (Overland Park, KS) -- Kansas pharmacy license 1 - valid through 06-30-2020
Pharmacy license #1. -
PP Comprehensive Health (Overland Park, KS) -- Kansas pharmacy license 2 with discipline - valid through 06-30-2020
Pharmacy license #2; note previous discipline. See disciplinary document on this page.
Disciplinary History
Malpractice History
2003 Liggins vs Crist and PP of KS and MO Et Al - Malpractice Case
liggins v PP and Crist 2003 Judge
liggins v PP and crist 2003 docket
liggins v pp and crist 2003 parties of case
2013 Driver vs PP of KS and MO Et Al - Personal Injury Case
DRIVER V PP KS and MO 2013 parties of case
Criminal History
Transcript Hearing2-DA Alleges Evidence Destruction
Transcript of court hearing held on November 9, 2011, further discussing the destruction of evidence in PP's criminal case. This destruction led to the court dismissing 49 of the most serious charges, leaving 58 misdemeanors left to be tried. -
Transcript Hearing 1-DA Alleges Evidence Destruction
Transcript of first hearing on Oct. 24, 2011, discussing the destruction of evidence in Planned Parenthood's criminal case. District Attorney Steve Howe reveals to court that critical evidence in the criminal prosecution of Planned Parenthood in Kansas was destroyed during the Sebelius administration. -
Planned Parenthood Press Release -- 2012_0-DA
Joint release by DA Steve Howe and AG Derek Schmidt that falsely indicated evidence was destroyed when it has been proven to exist. Includes other weak and refutable reasons for dismissing the criminal case against Planned Parenthood in Overland Park, KS. -
Open Record Request and Answer from Judge Anderson 8/2012
Sullenger's request to Judge Anderson for documents confirming his possession of evidence against Planned Parenthood that DA Howe told a judge on Nov. 9, 2011, that all copies had been destroyed by 2009. It also indicated Howe never formally asked for the evidence in Judge Anderson's posession. -
Anderson's Protective Order on PP Evidence - 1/11/2012
Order from Judge Anderson dated Jan. 11, 2012, that catalogs the contents of files he moved to the custody of the Shawnee County Clerk of the Court and placed under seal. DA Howe misled the court into dismissing the 49 charges related to this evidence by saying all copies were destroyed. This proves they still exist and that the charges were fraudulently dropped. -
Gag order placed on Judge Anderson and the evidence against PP that was in his possession, April 4., 2008. Record proves Anderson's possession of evidence against Planned parenthood. -
KSSCruling October, 2010
Ruling remanding the Planned Parenthood criminal case back to DA Howe for prosecution. Ruling discusses at length the fact that evidence was in the possession of Judge Anderson, especially pgs 20-23 -
History of Planned Parenthood Evidence Possession
Shows who had the evidence contained in the Termination of Pregnancy (TOPs) forms that Planned Parenthood was accused of manufacturing to cover crimes. -
Morrison2Anderson 07102007
Disgraced former AG Morrison's request that Judge Anderson return the evidence against Planned Parenthood back to Planned Parenthood. Anderson refused. Morrison sued Anderson for the return of the records. Morrison lost. Anderson retained copies. This shows the effort by corrupt men under the political control of Planned Parenthood and former Gov. Kathleen Sebelius to destroy the evidence that Planned parenthood committed crimes. That effort was continued by Morrison's former lieutenant Steve Howe. -
AP Article -PP Atty Quotes
Dated Feb. 18, 2012. Planned Parenthood's attorney Pedro Iriongonegary tells the AP that the records Howe said were destroyed in 2009 were seen by him in Attorney General Derek Schmidt's office in the fall of 2011. If true, Schmidt lied about the AG's copies of the records being destroyed. If not true, Schmidt was still aware that a true copy of the evidence existed in the possession of Judge Anderson because of the massive volumes of records that acknowledged that fact.