Sondra B. DantzicGillian Dean
Bronwyn E S Fitz
Mohammad Reza Momtaz
Gerald Zupnick
Timothy Edward Ryntz
Ila D. Dayananda
Stacy A. De-Lin
Rita M. Anderson, NP
Martha A. Simmons
Monica V. Dragoman
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Manhattan Planned Parenthood Abortion Training Facility Hospitalized Fifth Woman in 2020, 12/10/2020
Ambulance Transports 36th Known Woman from Manhattan Planned Parenthood, 10/21/2020
Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Hospitalizes Possible Second Trimester Abortion Client, 2/10/2020
Former clinic abortionist: Nikki Colodny
Former clinic abortionist: Enayat Hakim-Elahi
Former clinic abortionist: Vanita Kumar
Danger: Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood in NYC Calls Ambulance for 3 Women in 5 Days, 10/8/2019
Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood Sends 15th Woman to Hospital in 26 Months, 3/28/2019
Former clinic abortionist: Maureen Elizabeth Paul
Planned Parenthood lands patient in hospital in NYC – May 4, 2013
See documents below for Planned Parenthood of New York City and the newly-formed Planned Parenthood of Greater New York. This clinic was formerly named the “Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood.” In July 2020, Planned Parenthood announced it was dropping “Margaret Sanger” from the clinic name, due to her eugenics beliefs targeting Blacks and other minorities.
Planned Parenthood of Greater New York Announces Expansion of its Executive Leadership Team:
Gillian Dean, MD (Chief Medical Officer)
Samuel R. Mitchell, Jr. (Chief Operating Officer)
Dawn McClary, Esq. (General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer)
26 Bleecker St., New York, NY 10012Photos

Misc Documents
7-21-2020 -- Planned Parenthood in NY Disavows Margaret Sanger Over Eugenics - New York Times
The Margaret Sanger Planned Parenthood on Bleecker St in New York City is dropping "Margaret Sanger" from its name, due to her eugenics beliefs targeting Blacks and other minorities. -
Form 990 - PPNewYork - 2009
2010-New York City Inc 990 Form
Form 990 - PP New York - 2003
Form 990 - PP New York - 2005
Form 990 - PP New York - 2007
Form 990 - PP New York - 2008
Form 990 - PP New York - 2002
2014 Form 990 -- PP of New York City Inc
Planned Parenthood of New York City Inc -- State: NY -- Net Assets: $106,469,096 -- Gross Revenue: $47,286,363 -- Net Revenue: $5,920,457 -- Key Worker 1: Sondra Dantzic (Assoc Medical Director) -
2015 Form 990-EZ -- Voice for Choice PP of New York City Action Fund Inc
Voice for Choice Planned Parenthood of New York Action Fund -- State: NY -- Net Assets: $71,425 -- Gross Revenue: $107,660 -- Net Revenue: $19,596 -
Dantzic, Sondra -- PP New York, Form 990 excerpt -- $208,946 total salary
Associate Medical Director Sondra Dantzic is paid $208,946 total salary on this tax form for PP New York. -
PP New York 2016 Form 990 excerpt -- Board member Chris Creatura
Counter-Protesting at Abortion Clinics Is Actually Counterproductive -- Rewire.News - 03-07-2018
Synopsis: An abortion clinic "escort" complains about pro-abortion counter-protesters at her clinic. The abortion clinic escorts want the pro-choice demonstrators to leave because they are too disruptive, and scare away patients. -
2019-05-16 (printer-friendly) -- Merger of five Planned Parenthood affiliates to build negotiating power -- Crain's New York
Printer-friendly document. Five PP affiliates are merging to create Planned Parenthood of Greater New York. -
2019-05-16 (PDF document) -- Merger of five Planned Parenthood affiliates to build negotiating power -- Crain's New York
PDF document. Five PP affiliates are merging to create Planned Parenthood of Greater New York. -
08-16-19 Media insinuates abortion centers closing due to family planning funding cuts. That's not true.
2015 Form 990 -- PP New York City
2015 tax return for PP New York City; same address as Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. -
2016 Form 990 -- PP New York City
2016 tax return for PP New York City; same address as Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. -
2017 Form 990 (PP New York City) screenshot -- Ila Dayananda salary $332,645
Screenshot from p. 47 of 2017 Form 990 for PP New York City. Abortionist Ila Dayananda received a salary of $332,645. -
2017 Form 990 -- PP New York City -- Ila Dayananda salary
2017 tax return for PP New York City (same address as Margaret Sanger Center Planned Parenthood abortion clinic). Abortionist Ila Dayananda received a salary of $332,645. See page 47. -
New York Dept of State -- Planned Parenthood Debtor to banks - #1-100
List of Planned Parenthood affiliates in New York that are debtors to banks and/or creditors. Listings #1-100. -
New York Dept of State -- Planned Parenthood Debtor to banks - #101-130
List of Planned Parenthood affiliates in New York that are debtors to banks and/or creditors. Listings #101-130. -
01-08-2020 - Planned Parenthood of Greater New York takes the lead In reproductive health
Jan 8, 2020. Planned Parenthood of Greater New York merges with several affiliates. "The organization of newly merged affiliates includes the Mid-Hudson Valley, New York City, Nassau County, Mohawk Hudson and Southern Finger Lakes." -
I'm not someone who operates in the shadows -- Salon.com
After 2 More Deaths, Planned Parenthood Alters Method for Abortion Pill - The New York Times
New York jurisdiction -- 2005 LIEN -- Planned Parenthood in San Francisco debtor to IOS Capital
New York State Dept -- Planned Parenthood (San Francisco) debtor, case lapsed 2010
CAD incident on 01/07/2020
Medical emergency -
Incident history report - 02/07/2020
2020 REMS abortion support letter -- signers include Elizabeth Schmidt, MD, of Planned Parenthood of Greater NY
Signers include Elizabeth Schmidt, MD, of Planned Parenthood Greater New York. See page 6. -
Planned Parenthood Margaret Sanger (Manhattan) Operating Certificate
These facilities are not licensed or supervised by the State of New York
Disciplinary History
2019-06-20 County of Suffolk v. Planned Parenthood -- Commercial Claim
New York district attorney sues Planned Parenthood New York. Commercial Claim. -
2019-09-04 Suffolk County Attorney v. Planned Parenthood
Court appearance date 9-4-2019.
Malpractice History
Richards vs. PP New York City - Complaint - Feb 2005
Anneicia Richards sues Dr. Gerald Zupnick and Planned Parenthood for failing to diagnose an ectopic or tubal pregnancy before performing an abortion on April 3, 2004, thereby causing her to sustain serious injuries. -
Burton vs. Flaxman - Jan 27, 2006
Andrea Burton sues several doctors and Beth Israel Medical Center, after sustaining severe injuries from an abortion at Planned Parenthood. Injuries include: uterine perforation, exploratory laparotomy, repair of a uterine perforation, infection, and a lumbosacral plexus neuropathy. -
2017-02-27 Complaint -- Pusey v. PP of New York City et al - botched abortion
Patient Jodi-Ann Pusey sues Planned Parenthood, Sondra Dantzic, MD, and Bernadette Kane, CNM, for botching her abortion. Because of the botched procedure, patient Jodi-Ann suffered a perforated uterus, hemorrhage, and shock. See pages 4-6. -
2017-05-25 Stipulation of Discontinuance -- Pusey v. PP of New York City
Sondra Dantzic, MD, and Bernadette Kane, CNM, are removed as defendants in this botched abortion lawsuit. -
2017-07-20 Notice, Summons, Complaint -- Pusey v. PP of New York City et al -- botched abortion
Patient Jodi-Ann Pusey sues Planned Parenthood, Sondra Dantzic, MD, and Bernadette Kane, CNM, for botching her abortion. Because of the botched procedure, patient Jodi-Ann suffered a perforated uterus, hemorrhage, and shock. See pages 6-9. -
2017-07-20 Request for Judicial Intervention (malpractice) -- Pusey v. PP of New York City et al
Document in botched abortion lawsuit. -
2017-11-14 Preliminary Conference Order -- Pusey v. PP of New York City
Document in botched abortion lawsuit. -
2018-03-14 Stipulation of Discontinuance (part 2) -- Pusey v. PP of New York City
Sondra Dantzic, MD, and Bernadette Kane, CNM, are removed as defendants in this botched abortion lawsuit. -
2017-04-26 Summons & Complaint -- Buchanon v. Tanenhaus and PP of New York City (Bleecker St)
Patient Yara Buchanon visited the PP at 26 Bleecker St in New York City. Buchanon sues Jini Tanenhaus and PP of NYC for failure to diagnose cervical bleeding & cancer. Buchanon died before completing the lawsuit. See pages 4, 7-9, 11-14. -
2018-03-19 Letter to Supreme Court of NY -- Buchanan v. Tanenhaus and PP of New York City
-- Plaintiff Yara Buchanon died Feb 24, 2018. -
Oct 2018: PP of New York City -- list of court cases & lawsuits
List of court cases for Planned Parenthood of New York City, as of October 2018. -
2015-07-21 Stipulation of Discontinuance (Gerald Zupnick settles) -- Owens estate v. PP of NYC et al
Thurman Owens sues on behalf of the deceased plaintiff Roselle Owens. Defendants included PP of New York City and abortionist Gerald Zupnick, MD. The plaintiffs reach a settlement with Dr. Zupnick and he is dropped from the lawsuit. -
2013-08-11 Complaint -- Owens v. PP of New York City, Gerald Zupnick, et al
On April 11, 2009, 17-year-old Roselle Owens went to the Margaret Sanger Center PP in NY for an abortion. Roselle experienced breathing complications and oxygen deprivation from the abortion, but the clinic and abortionist Gerald Zupnick did not treat her complications in time to save her life. Precious minutes ticked by as Roselle struggled to breathe. Forty-five minutes later, Roselle was finally transported to a hospital where she was put on a respirator and eventually died. Roselle's brother, Thurman Owens, sued PP of New York City and abortionist Gerald Zupnick for his sister's unnecessary death. See pages 3, 6-7, & 9. -
2016-03-17 Stipulation of Discontinuance -- Owens v. PP of New York City, Gerald Zupnick et al
Planned Parenthood of New York City settles/is dropped from the malpractice lawsuit for the botched abortion death of Roselle Owens. -
Margaret Sanger PP (PP of New York City) -- List of lawsuits against PP in New York
List of numerous lawsuits against PP affiliates in New York. -
Planned Parenthood New York -- Court cases list
List of 20 court cases/lawsuits involving Planned Parenthood in New York.