Surgery: YESMedication: NO
Other Info
Former clinic abortionist: Pamela Jerry Richter
Relicensed and reopened in new location as of Aug 20, 2015. Old address was 730 E. Yandell Dr; old telephone was 915-544-2861.
No hospital rights for “Dr” Richter — so this clinic was forced to close to to new Texas law.
1511 E Missouri, El Paso, TX 79902Documents
Misc Documents
08-06-2018 response letter -- Reproductive Services permanently closed July 14, 2018
Letter from El Paso area director, dated Aug. 6, 2018. Reproductive Services abortion clinic is permanently closed as of July 14, 2018. -
2018-09-24 (printer-friendly) -- Central El Paso abortion clinic closes -
Printer-friendly document. News story on Reproductive Services abortion clinic closing. -
2018-09-24 Central El Paso abortion clinic closes -
PDF document. News story on Reproductive Services abortion clinic closing. -
El Paso Abortion Clinic Remains Shut After Judge Withholds Relief - The Texas Observer - April 17, 2014
Deficiency Report
Reproductive Services El Paso Inspection Report -- October 3, 2017
Oct 3, 2017: Texas Health Dept Inspection - statement of deficiencies & plan of correction. -
Reproductive Services El Paso Inspection Report -- May 25, 2016
Inspection report shows multiple violations and deficiencies including: redacted personal problems which are too embarrassing/sensitive to release, failure to store hazardous cleaning solutions and compounds in a secure manner, failure to ensure sterilization of surgical items/instruments, failure to wait the required 24 hours before doing an abortion on a woman nearby, failure to provide patients with the name and phone number of the nearest hospital to the woman's home if an emergency situation should arise, more ultra-secret redacted violations too embarrassing to release to the public eye.
Disciplinary History
Reproductive Services
2017 TEXAS ABORTION CLINICS FINED -- Texas Dept of State Health Services
Fine for Houston Women's Clinic: $20,300 on 03-30-2017; Fine for Reproductive Services (El Paso): $1,165 on 08-24-2017. -
2016-2017 Texas Health Dept Enforcement Actions - Abortion Facilities
Houston Women's Clinic (Houston, TX) - $20,300 fine on 03-30-2017 -- Reproductive Services (El Paso, TX) - $1,165 fine on 08-24-2017