Women's Health Services
Sierra L. WashingtonSheila K. Mody
Sarah H. Averbach
Bonnie Crouthamel
Sarah A. Tilford
Nicole I. Economou
619-806-7108 - ask you to "register" first at 1-800-926-8273Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Formerly the Office of Dr. Homer G. Chin
Homer Chin has retired – confirmed 12/2016. Other abortionists work there now.
Also known as Pregnancy Options Clinic. This clinic is part of the UC San Diego abortion-training program, directed by Sheila Mody.
4168 Front St, San Diego, CA 92103Documents
Misc Documents
Sierra Washington, Associate Clinical Professor of Reproductive Medicine -- UCSD Profiles
University of CA San Diego short profile for abortionist Sierra Washington. -
UC San Diego Health -- Sierra Washington, MD, FACOG - listing at UC San Diego abortion clinic
University of CA San Diego profile. Sierra Washington is associate clinical professor and teaches abortion to residents. She is also listed at the UCSD University Women's Health Services address on Front St, which runs an abortion clinic.