WWH-San Antonio
Jessica L. RubinoPhone
Surgery: YESMedication: NO
Other Info
4025 E Southcross Blvd, San Antonio, TX 78222Documents
Deficiency Report
Whole Woman's Health San Antonio Inspection Report Oct 21 2015
Inspection report reveals numerous violations and deficiencies, including: the person responsible for sterilization of surgical instruments was not trained or competent, sterile instruments were stored with no lid in the room near the products of conception (aborted baby remains) were examined and contaminated instruments washed, sterilized peel pouches with instruments had water stains and discoloration and were not sealed or folded correctly and contaminated air entered pouches, the autoclave load log was not maintained or recorded for monitoring sterilization process, facility failed to provide a safe and sanitary environment, patient lab supplies were stored under the sink and had a brown substance on them and a leak on them and the floor, pathology cabinet had water where instruments were supposed to dry, the blue wrap for surgical instruments was in a cardboard box on the floor beside the Biohazard container, sanitary pads for patient care were stored directly on the floor right next to a biohazard sharps container, dust was also on the floor around the sanitary pads, cardboard shipping boxes with and potentially high microbial contamination and parasites insects and microorganisms were on the shelves by open patient supplies in one room and in the recovery room they actually contained patient supplies and blue pads, an oxygen tank was on the floor or the recovery area by the water fountain, paper towels and bathroom tissue and patient gowns and physicians' scrubs and patient blankets were stored right next to the soiled linen cart and soiled linen hampers piled full of dirty biohazard linens and the area was not cleaned or changed for two days, baseboards were lifting and a yellow dirt was along the base of the baseboards, the exam table in the recovery room had rust, the procedure room exam table also had rust and peeling paint, the basis for patients in the procedure room were stored under the sink, the suction machine bumper had fallen off and it was covered in dust, the lab room ceiling had water damage, the crash cart was covered in dust, the facility failed to maintain performance records for the usage of the Manual Vacuum Aspiration (handheld syringe) for abortion procedures, no records kept of how many times the MVA was used or if it was disinfected or sterilized or inspected between uses, multiple MVAs improperly stored (no damage prevention), facility failed to document sterilization of instruments or maintain a log, facility failed to discard medication not administered in timely manner and had old syringe lying around for procedures, failed to follow manufacturer's instructions for use of cold disinfectant on surgical instruments or keep a log with disinfecting information, storage of an unknown and unlabeled green liquid in a glass suction jar, failed to dispose of Cidex after 14 days, failed to maintain logs or record performance or maintenance of the autoclave, and more. -
Whole Woman's Health of San Antonio -- 2016-11-08 Texas Health Dept Inspection
Nov 8, 2016: Texas Health Dept Inspection -- Statement of Deficiencies & plan of correction.