Abortion Mill
Brigham and Women's Hospital Family Planning Center -INACTIVEGreater Boston-Planned Parenthood League of MA
Medical School
Columbia University College of Physician's and Surgeons, New YorkAddress
75 Francis St, Boston, MA 02115Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Alice Grace Mark was formerly Alice Grace Sondheimer.
Alice Mark is the Medical Director at the National Abortion Federation (NAF) Nonprofit Corporation.

Misc Documents
Alice Mark - LinkedIn profile
Alice Mark is associate medical director at the National Abortion Federation. -
Jan 2015 - Alice Mark, MD, IPAS senior clinical affairs advisor
Jan 2015, article by Alice Clark -- "Meet the expert: up-to-date clinical advice on abortion." -
Greater Boston Planned Parenthood -- March 2013 - BlueCross/BlueShield provider list
March 2013 -- List of doctors/abortionists at Greater Boston PP, including Alice G. Mark, MD. -
Greater Boston Planned Parenthood -- May 2016 - BlueCross/BlueShield provider list
May 2016 -- List of doctors/abortionists at Greater Boston PP, including Alice G. Mark, MD.
Application for medical license in Massachusetts as of 2015. See Planned Parenthood League of MA (abortion clinic) practice location on page 48. -
Massachusetts medical license application file -- Alice Grace Mark, formerly Alice Grace Sondheimer (144 pages)
Massachusetts medical license application file for Alice Grace Mark, formerly Alice Grace Sondheimer. See pages 1 & 14 for name listings. -
Mark MA profile 2017
MA medical license profile for Alice G. Mark. -
Mark Texas profile
TX medical license profile for Alice Grace Mark. -
2017 MA medical license application file for Alice Grace Mark, formerly Alice Grace Sondheimer. See page 50 for practice location for Planned Parenthood League of MA (abortion clinic). -
Alice Mark - Texas Medical License profile - expires 11-30-2021
Mark, Alice -- National Abortion Federation Filing - 2020
Alice files as the Medical Director at NAF. -
Mark, Alice -- National Abortion Federation Filing - 2021
Alice files as the Medical Director at NAF.
Disciplinary History
Malpractice History
Case 2022
Case summary. Alice Mark is named as a defendant. -
2019-01-14 Malpractice case docket - Amanda Davis v. Alice Mark & PP League of MA et al
Amanda Davis files a malpractice lawsuit against abortionist Alice Mark and Planned Parenthood League of Massachusetts. -
Mark, Alice -- 2009-08-17 Civil Action Cover Sheet -- Malpractice case for Trinity Elias
Malpractice lawsuit against defendants including Alice Mark, MD. "Trinity Elias is an almost 3-year-old girl who suffered a traumatic brain injury, resulting in cerebral palsy." -
2008-04-10 Civil Action Cover Sheet -- Okoli v. Mark - malpractice case
The Okoli family sues Dr. Alice Mark in a malpractice case. "As a result of the defendant's negligence, the minor plaintiff now suffers from a severe and permanent neurologic injury..." -
2008-04-11 Complaint -- Okoli v. Mark et al - medical malpractice
Original complaint in malpractice case against Alice Mark. -
2008-2011 Case Docket - Okoli v. Mark
Case docket with list of court actions. -
2009-01-22 First Amended Complaint -- Okoli v. Mark et al - malpractice case
Amended complaint in malpractice suit against Alice Mark. -
PP MA Davis v PP case
2019 lawsuit that alleges a woman received a "substantially" incomplete 1st trimester surgical abortion by Alice Mark at Planned Parenthood in Boston. When cramping and bleeding continued she tried contacting PP, but no one at PP would return her calls. No follow-up was scheduled. Patient only was properly treated at a hospital a full two months later. -
01-14-2019 Complaint (searchable) -- Amanda Davis v. Alice Mark & PP League of MA
Patient Amanda Davis sues abortionist Alice Mark and Planned Parenthood League of MA for a botched abortion. On Feb 4, 2016, Dr. Mark performed Amanda's abortion at the Boston Planned Parenthood. After the abortion, Amanda suffered extreme bleeding, passed clots the size of a baseball, suffered fainting spells, and became to weak to walk. The abortion clinic never returned her repeated phone calls for help. Amanda's condition continued to worsen, and she was confined to bed and unable to work. Two months later, on April 4, 2016, Amanda's worried mother took her to Massachusetts General Hospital "curled up in a ball." Here Amanda learned that her abortion was incomplete, and the abortionist Alice Mark had left 3/4 of the fetus intact in her uterus. "This was the first time Amanda was advised that the procedure at Planned Parenthood was incompletely performed, and it caused her severe emotional shock which has since been followed by a deep depression and mental anguish." See pages 14-15. Amanda sued the abortionist and abortion clinic for malpractice. -
2019-01-22 Affidavit of Makunda Abdul-Mbacke MD -- Amanda Davis v. Alice Mark & PP League of MA
Jan 22, 2019: Makunda Abdul-Mbacke, MD, gives her expert opinion in a malpractice case. Abdul-Mbacke testifies regarding a botched abortion that abortionist Alice Mark performed on patient Amanda Davis. Dr. Abdul-Mbacke states that she herself has "personally performed hundreds of first-trimester abortion procedures. Dr. Abdul-Mbacke states that Dr. Alice Mark "deviated from the applicable standards of medical care" in performing Amanda Davis' botched abortion. See pages 1-3. -
2019-03-13 Plaintiff's Offer of Proof -- Amanda Davis v. Alice Mark, PP League of MA - searchable
Plantiff Amanda Davis gives details on her botched abortion in her malpractice suit against abortionist Alice Mark and PP League of Massachusetts. See pages 2-4. -
Davis Malpractice Case Filings - 8-26-2021
Packet of documents contains decision on defendant's request for medical records related to addiction recovery and other documents, including an excerpt of a transcript from Davis' deposition with relevant testimony, plus more. -
Davis Malpractice Case : new document
Davis Malpractice Case : new document
Final pretrial will be in Sept. 2022. -
Davis v Mark -- Massachusetts Pretrial Conference Notice - 10/24/2022
Mark v Davis -- Denial of Public Employee Status - 01/04/2022
Davis v Mark -- Massuchusetts Case - Motion Allowed to Continue Pre-Trial - 07/12/2022
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
Massachusetts Severe Personal Injury Court Case - 2009 - Part 1
Massachusetts Severe Personal Injury Court Case - 2009 - Part 2
Massachusetts Severe Personal Injury Court Case - 2009 - Part 3
Massachusetts Severe Personal Injury Court Case - 2009 - Part 4
Massachusetts Severe Personal Injury Court Case - 2009 - Part 5
Massachusetts Severe Personal Injury Court Case - 2009 - Part 6