Medical School
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Former abortionist at: Capital Women’s Services (Washington, DC)
Worked for the notorious Steven Chase Brigham.
Former address: 6323 Georgia Ave. NW Suite 210, Washington, DC 20011.

Misc Documents
1467628339 NPI number — MYRON ROSE MD
Information collected by the National Provider Identification database. -
Myron Rose Obituary
A Hard Choice_ A young medical student tries to decide if she has what it takes -WaPo11232008
Washington Post story published November 23, 2008. Contains references to Myron Rose. -
Rose, Myron - Rose is medical director at Capital Women's Services
Website bio for "Dr. M. Rose," the medical director of Capital Women's Services abortion clinic. NOTE: DR. ROSE HIMSELF IS NOT PICTURED -- instead the website shows a stock photo of a young woman dressed up like a doctor. -
Rose, Myron -- Maryland lawsuit list
Maryland lawsuit list - cases involving Myron Rose -
02-01-2019 (PDF document) -- "Questions raised over ‘horrific’ Yelp reviews of DC center advertising late-term abortions" - LifeSiteNews
Article on Yelp reviews with "horrific" client descriptions of Capital Women's Services abortion clinic. PDF document. -
02-01-2019 (printer-friendly) -- "Questions raised over ‘horrific’ Yelp reviews of DC center advertising late-term abortions" - LifeSiteNews
Article on Yelp reviews with "horrific" client descriptions of Capital Women's Services abortion clinic. Printer-friendly document. -
Twitter.com -- Alexandra DeSanctis on Twitter - Capital Women’s Services
Tweet regarding terrible customer reviews for Capital Women's Services, with hyperlink to Yelp page.
Myron Rose MD Medical License Profile
MD license profile as of 5/19/2017 indicating Rose's address as a Baltimore facility owned and operated by Steven Chase Brigham. -
Rose Washington DC apps -- 3 pages
Summary file for Washington, DC medical license application for Myron Rose, MD. Note practice location at Capital Women's Services abortion clinic. -
Rose, Myron -- Washington DC medical license application complete file -- 22 pages
Full Washington DC medical license application file for Myron Rose. -
Rose, Myron -- Maryland medical license & discipline records -- valid through 09-30-2019
Note multiple discipline records for Myron Rose.
Disciplinary History
Disciplinary Order
November 29, 2016 - Fined $2,600 for failing to obtain the requisite continuing medical education credits. He lied on his renewal form saying he had completed them when he had not. -
2017-07-11 Order - Maryland Medical Board -- Myron Rose paid $2600 fine & completed CME credits
Medical board order is satisfied; Myron Rose paid $2600 fine & completed CME credits.