Medical School
Universidad de Guadalajara, 1979Affiliations
White Plains, NYProcedures
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
Abortionist William H. Knorr was an early practitioner of partial-birth abortion – a controversial technique in which a late-term fetus is delivered alive, except for the calvarium (head), which is too large to pass through the cervix. To complete the procedure, the skull of the live fetus is then pierced, suctioned, and crushed, allowing the abortion provider to remove the now-deceased fetus from the uterus. Knorr testified that he used the partial-birth technique in many of his late-term abortions. Knorr ran a high-volume abortion business, working at multiple clinics in New York, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina. He testified in 2003 that he performed five or six thousand abortions that year alone. Knorr was a lead plaintiff in multiple lawsuits challenging partial-birth abortion bans. He is now deceased.

Misc Documents
Carhart v. Ashcroft - Memorandum & Order, 9-8-2004
William Knorr serves as plaintiff in lawsuit over partial-birth abortion ban. Knorr testifies in detail about the abortion methods he uses in late-term abortions. See page 7 and pages 96-102. Document date on page 444. -
Carhart v. Gonzales - US 8th Circuit Court of Appeals, 7-8-2005
William Knorr serves as plaintiff in lawsuit over partial-birth abortion ban. See page 1. -
Doctor testifies in abortion trial - Lincoln Journal Star, 3-31-1994
Abortionist William Knorr says partial-birth abortion ban will outlaw most of his late-term abortion procedures. -
Knorr, William H. - Findagrave.com - obituary
Obituary and burial info for abortionist William H. Knorr. -
Nine Months Legal - Partial-birth Abortions - Court testimony of abortionist Dr. William Knorr, 3-31-2004
Dr. William Knorr testifies about his abortion techniques. -
Summit Medical Associates v. Pryor - US 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, 7-15-1999
Abortionist William Knorr is a plaintiff in lawsuit against partial-birth abortion ban. See pages 1-2, and footnote on page 8. -
Knorr, William H. - Tributes.com obituary
Obituary for abortionist William Knorr, MD. -
Summit Medical Associates v. Siegelman - US District Court, MD, Alabama, Northern Division, amended 4-19-2001
William H. Knorr, MD, is an abortion provider and plaintiff in lawsuit against partial-birth abortion ban. See section I of document. -
Final Agency Decision, 8-28-1996
Abortionist William H. Knorr, MD, provides court testimony for abortionist Steven Chase Brigham. Court document states, "Dr. Knorr began performing abortions immediately after his residency in 1984, and has personally performed approximately 30,000 abortions over the last ten years. He has performed greater than 1000 second trimester abortion procedures." See page 4. -
Vitals.com – Dr. William H. Knorr, MD – credentials
Abortion Opponents in Court - Toledo News Now
Federal Judge Blocks Late-term Abortion Ban – Associated Press, 11-6-2003
Doctor to Testify Against Abortion Ban – Washington Post (see end of page 2)
Lifesavers in the Nation’s Abortion Capital – see info on William Knorr’s abortion clinic in middle of article
Carhart v. Ashcroft Federal Abortion Ban Trial to Begin in Nebraska, 3-22-2004 – (William Knorr, plaintiff)
Supreme Court Reopens Abortion Issue on Alito's First Day - The New York Times
Judge in Nebraska to Rule on Final Federal Abortion Ban Trial on Wednesday, September 8
Doctor testifies in abortion trial -- Local -- JournalStar.com -- William Knorr
William Knorr says partial-birth abortion ban would outlaw his abortion techniques.