Kristina M. TocceAaron M. Lazorwitz
Maryam Guiahi
Rebecca H. Cohen
Stephanie B. Teal
Angela L. Marchin
Ariel Sklar
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
University of Colorado solicits funds for abortion clinic
University of Colorado Family Planning Fellowship in abortion training
8111 E Lowry Blvd ste 220, Denver, CO 80230, USAPhotos
Misc Documents
Texas Abortion Patients Arrive in Colorado Clinics 'Frustrated and Exhausted' - Rewire.News - April 20, 2020
In Denver, the Comprehensive Women’s Health Center has implemented what Cohen describes as a “triage” system prioritizing second-trimester patients to ensure the clinic can accommodate as many patients as possible; the waiting period is usually two weeks. “It’s a little bit longer than we wish it were, but a lot better than what Texas is doing,” she said. -
Univ of CO Denver -- Family Planning & Contraception - Family Planning providers, Comprehensive Women's Health Ctr abortion clinic
University of Colorado "Family Planning" services -- List of providers, and link to Comprehensive Women's Health Center abortion clinic. Family Planning providers include: Dr. Kristina Tocce, Dr. Maryam Guiahi, Dr. Rebecca Cohen, and Dr. Stephanie Teal. -
Family Planning Highlights - University of Colorado Denver -- CWHC abortion clinic
The Family Planning Dept does abortions at the Comprehensive Women's Health Center. "The Division of Family Planning includes 5 faculty members, 2 Fellows, and 4 Professional research assistants... At the Comprehensive Women’s Health Center on the Lowry campus, we provide family planning clinical services including abortion... We provide extensive training of both fellows and residents to enhance the health of our community. ...[M]any people do not realize we run an extensive clinical research program at CWHC as well. ...[P]rojects being conducted at CWHC include assessing the burden experienced by women traveling greater distances to obtain an abortion, and comparing nitrous oxide versus IV sedation for 12-16 week abortion procedures." -
Comprehensive Women's Health Center (Denver, CO) -- CU GME Provider Directory - Sept 2018
CU Provider Directory. Contains several abortionist listings at the Comprhensive Women's Health Center (8111 E. Lowry Blvd. Ste 250, Denver, CO). Abortionists include: Lazaro, Teal, Marchin, Guiahi, etc. Note: Not every doctor who works at the above clinic does abortions, since the clinic also provide ob-gyn services.