Gynemed Surgical Center

Gynemed Surgical Center
Gynemed Surgical Center


David Augusto Chang


410-391-1000 or 877-686-8220


Surgery:       YES
Medication: NO

Other Info

Public Safety Scandal: Maryland OHCQ licensed abortion facilities that failed to meet requirements — (See info on Gynemed Surgical Center)

UPDATE November 3, 2016: This facility is no longer licensed, neither as an Ambulatory Surgical Center nor as a Surgical Abortion Facility. However, they continue to schedule and perform abortions illegally. Dr. Chang and his staff are breaking the law, and if you have an illegal unlicensed abortion here, you are at great risk.

NOTE May 2016: This facility is licensed as an Ambulatory Surgical Center and is therefore absent from the Department of Health’s Surgical Abortion Facility roster. Confirmed June 1, 2016 that Dr. David M. O’Neil retired from Gynemed, and that Dr. David A. Chang is the abortionist there.