Near North Center Planned Parenthood
Amy K. WhitakerJennifer M Brown
Janet Lauerman Petty
Larry Faines
Katherine M. Sisco
Louis M. Fernandez
Joi F. Bradshaw-Terrell
Melissa L. Gilliam
Caroline M. Hoke
Andrea Loberg
Sabrina A. Holmquist
Darwin C. Jackson
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Chicago Planned Parenthood: Two Women Hemorrhage in Less than a Week
Planned Parenthood Gave Teen an Abortion then Handed Her Back To Her 45-Year-Old Abuser, 1/7/2022
Woman Returns to Chicago Planned Parenthood Hemorrhaging and in Pain after Abortion, 5/28/2020
911: Woman Hemorrhages After Botched Abortion at Dangerous Chicago Planned Parenthood, 12/17/2019
Former clinic abortionist: Jacqueline M. Morgan
Watch 911: Two Women Transported from Chicago Planned Parenthood After Botched Abortions, 10/9/2018
911 Call: Confusion at Planned Parenthood over Which Patient Needed an Ambulance, 3/3/2017
Former clinic abortionist: Kevin K. Tao (associate medical director)
Clinic address: 1200 N La Salle Dr., Chicago, IL 60610
1200 N La Salle Dr., Chicago, IL 60610Photos

Report published 9/29/23: "Chicago Planned Parenthood: Two Women Bleed Out in Less Than a Week: (Full report at left under OTHER INFO.
Misc Documents
Midwest Access Project
Training program for abortionists. -
Lawsuit: Patient Left Alone at Chicago Planned Parenthood Falls and Breaks Her Neck, 11-18-2019 (Pro-Life Action League)
Malpractice History
Criminal History
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
Computer-aided dispatch transcript: Another 29-Year-Old Woman Hemorrhaging After Abortion 1/25/2023
This emergency occurred just five days after nearly identical emergency. -
Computer-aided dispatch transcript: 29-Year-Old Woman Hemorrhaging After Abortion 1/20/2023
CADs from Multiple Emergencies PP on LaSalle in Chicago_Redacted
Multiple CADs from Medical Emergencies at Planned Parenthood on LaSalle in Chicago, IL. Five of them are abortion related emergencies from February 10 to August 29, 2016. -
Aug. 28, 2018 -- Multiple 911 emergencies at Chicago Planned Parenthood
Article: "911 Records Show 4 Emergencies in 4 Months at Busy Chicago Planned Parenthood Facility" -- OperationRescue.org -
2021-07-15 Planned Parenthood Chicago Event Query Report
July 15: 2021: Woman hospitalized after suffering possible life-threatening uterine perforation at the Near North Planned Parenthood abortion facility in Chicago, IL.