David M. BurkonsChristine Slotta
Jennifer M. Watson
Rebecca Lowenthal
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Two Ohio Abortion Facilities Fined for Multiple Violations of Patient Privacy, 3/31/2022
Former clinic abortionist: Sarah Smith-Lengen
Former clinic abortionist: Mitchell William Reider
License revoked, ordered to close – Aug. 1, 2014 (confirmed Jan. 30, 2014)
Ohio abortionist with 41% of RU-486 complications seeks license for clinic closed by the State
Confirmed closure by telephone – 4/26/2013, reopened by Dr. Burkons
Previously located at: 215 E Waterloo Rd #16, Akron, OH 44319
Previously named: Capital Care Network Akron
New website here: http://northeastohioabortion.com/
Jennifer [Marie] Watson, MD, is listed on the clinic insurance form along with abortionist Dr. David Burkons, as part of the Patient Transfer Agreement between Akron General Medical Center and Northeast Ohio Women’s Center abortion clinic. Watson also has an Ohio pharmacy license at the abortion clinic location. See documents below.
2127 State Road, Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223Photos

Misc Documents
Federal judge blocks Ohio from using coronavirus health order to restrict abortions - cleveland.com - 03-30-2020
Yost orders clinics to stop ’non-essential and elective’ surgical abortions -- The Columbus Dispatch -- March 21, 2020
Attorney General of Ohio orders abortion clinics to stop performing non-essential abortions during the COVID-19 outbreak. -
Ohio Department of Health -- order halting all non-essential and elective surgeries and procedures -- March 17, 2020
11-10-17 ODH letter
Letter from Right to Life of Northeast Ohio to the Ohio Department of Health calling for the closure of the Northeast Ohio Women's Center based on repeated health and safety violations and more. -
neowc transfer agreement
Abortion business' transfer agreement contract with Summa Akron City and St. Thomas Hospitals dated 1/7/2014. -
Bucking Trend, Ohio Doctor Opens Clinic That Provides Abortion Services -- NPR -- August 31, 2015
Licensed for surgical abortions, 2015 -
Ohio Health Dept. closes abortion clinic for health violations -- 4-24-2013
State dismisses claim that Cuyahoga Falls abortion clinic put fetal remains in trash
2016-10-07 Akron General Medical Center Patient Transfer Agreement -- David Burkons & Jennifer Watson
Transfer agreement between Northeast Ohio Women's Center abortion clinic and Akron General Medical Center, for the hospital to treat abortion clinic patients if necessary. Clinic insurance lists abortionist David Burkons, MD, and hospital doctor Jennifer Watson, MD, who works at Akron General Medical Center. See pages 1, 5-6, and 10-11. -
Watson, Jennifer -- Pharmacy license at Northeast Ohio Women's Center - valid through 03-31-2018
Ohio pharmacy license for Jennifer M. Watson, MD, for practice location at Northeast Ohio Women's Center abortion clinic. -
Northeast Ohio Women's Center -- Clinic pharmacy license, valid through 03-31-2018
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- Ohio Abortion clinic license (screenshot) - expired
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- Ohio Board of Pharmacy license - valid thru 3-31-2021
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- 2014 clinic license application
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- 2016 clinic license renewal
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- 2017 clinic license renewal
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- 2018 clinic license renewal
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- 2019 clinic license renewal (2 pages)
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- Ohio Abortion clinic license - expired 2019
Northeast Ohio Women's Ctr (Cuyahoga Falls) -- 2019 Clinic license renewal (4 pages)
License Restrictions
Deficiency Report
Deficiency Report - June 26, 2018
Deficiency Report - May 1, 2018
Deficiency Report - July 11, 2017
Another failed inspection with many repeat offenses cited in the 24 page inspection report that revealed deteriorating conditions and practices. 754 abortions done in 12 months prior to this inspection, with deficiencies potentially affecting all patients. -
Deficiency Report - November 29, 2016
During a failed inspection, the Dept. of Health cited Northeast Ohio Women's Center with 21 pages of violations, including infection control issues, failure to provide discharge instructions to patients, a "Quality Assurance" program that was a sham, one worker who had tested positive for TB, and more. -
Deficiency Report - February 3, 2014
Survey Packet - [YXLN11 1] Non Confidential SYSTEM 08 04 2014 Inspection on February 3, 2014, related to application for licensure as an ambulatory surgical facility. Serious violations found. -
Deficiency Report - February 14, 2013
The OH Dept of Health did a clinic inspection on Feb 14, 2013 and found 34 pages of violations, including: hiring untrained staff, using patients' blood for Rh lab control, failing to screen employees for tuberculosis, providing surgical services without proper licenses, failing to follow sanitary procedures, maintaining incomplete patient records.
Disciplinary History
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
CAD printout for medical emergency on 7-25-2020
July 25, 2020 medical emergency at Northeast Ohio Women's Center. Woman, 29, hospitalized with botched abortion and uncontrolled bleeding. -
Northeast Ohio Women's Center -- 3 RU-486 Complications from 2016
Northeast Ohio Women's Center -- 5 RU-486 Complications from 2017
5 RU486 abortion complications reported in Ohio on these forms. -
Northeast Ohio Women's Center -- 5 RU-486 Complications from 2018
5 RU-486 abortion complications reported in Ohio on these forms. -
Northeast Ohio Women's Center -- 3 RU-486 Complications from 2019
Northeast Ohio Women's Center -- 1 RU-486 Complication from 2020
Northeast Ohio Women's Center -- 1 RU-486 Complication from 2021
Ohio Ru486 Complication reports from 05/2021 to 12/2022
Complication reports from abortion clinics in Ohio