NYU/ Bellevue Hospital — Reproductive Choice Clinic

Bellevue Hospital
Bellevue Hospital


Treasure Walker
Erica K. Hinz
Amitasrigowri S. Murthy


212-562-5863 (clinic) OR 212-562-5555 (main switchboard)


Surgery:       YES
Medication: YES

Other Info

Former clinic abortionist: Livia S. Wan, MD

Former clinic abortionist: Meagan Campol Haynes, MD

Former clinic abortionist: Jonah D. Fleisher, MD

VIDEO INTERVIEW: This abortion provider wants to help NYC’s most vulnerable women — “NowThis News”

Bellevue Hospital is the lead teaching hospital for the Family Planning and Ryan Residency abortion-training programs at New York University Medical School.  Belleville houses the Reproductive Choice Clinic (abortion clinic) on the 4th floor of the hospital, across from the Women’s Health Clinic.  See documents below.  Location verified May 2018. b.e.

NOTE: This location is OPEN FOR BUSINESS, but hospital clinics are shown as “closed” on AbortionDocs, so as not to confuse them with freestanding abortion clinics.


462 First Ave, 4th Floor, New York City, NY 10016


Erica Hinz, MD pic - Family Planning Fellow - NYU Med Ctr
Walker, Treasure -- Family Planning group photo
Walker, Treasure - NYU YouTube pic
Walker, Treasure -- Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) - Hospital gates pic
Walker, Treasure -- Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) - pic 2
Walker, Treasure - Belllevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) - pic 3
Walker, Treasure -- Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic - ER pic
Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) -- ER entrance indoors pic
Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) -- ER entrance pic 2
Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) - indoor ER entrance pic
Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) - street pic 2
Bellevue Reproductive Choice Clinic (NY) -- street pic
Murthy, Amitasrigowri -- pic with Treasure Walker - Veronica Ades - Livia Wan - Family Planning Dept - Bellevue Reproductive Choice Cli
Murthy, Amitasrigowri -- YouTube pic 2
Walker Treasure -- pregnant abortionist pic
Wan, Livia -- NYU pic - Clinical Professor Ob-Gyn
Wan, Livia -- YouTube pic 2
Wan, Livia -- YouTube pic 3


NYU Dept of Ob-Gyn - Division of Family Planning -- Interviews with multiple doctors and abortionists


Misc Documents