Surgery: NOMedication: YES
Other Info
This clinic closed permanently in March 2020, as a result of the Coronavirus epidemic.
263 Main Street, Old Saybrook, CT 06475Documents
Misc Documents
License Restrictions
PP of Southern New England -- Planned Parenthood licenses list
License for Planned Parenthood in Old Saybrook, CT, valid through 3-31-2018. See page 8. -
Old Saybrook Center Planned Parenthood -- 2010-2018 clinic license application file
Clinic license renewal documents for Old Saybrook Planned Parenthood abortion clinic, owned by PP of Southern New England. -
Old Saybrook PP -- 2014 Connecticut abortion clinic license renewal & inspection - PP Southern New England
2014 abortion clinic license for Old Saybrook Center PP location; owned by PP of Southern New England (aka New Haven Center PP).