PP Henderson Clinic -- Fort Worth, TX
Scott SpearGeorge "Sealy" Massingill
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
Former clinic abortionist: Thomas Franklin Britton
Darrel Lynn Jordan was former Medical Director before his retirement in 4/2017.
New location. Formerly called “Henderson Clinic,” located 301 S. Henderson St., Ste A, Fort Worth, TX 76104, 817-882-1175.
Texas License #130148
Current Address: 6464 John Ryan Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76132.
See lawsuit below involving Planned Parenthood Southwest Ft. Worth.
Formerly – Southwest Fort Worth Health Center – Planned Parenthood
6464 John Ryan Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76132Photos

Misc Documents
Abortion in Texas halted again after appeals court allows ban to resume - CBS News - April 20, 2020
Some abortions may proceed in Texas during the coronavirus pandemic, federal judge rules - Click2Houston - April 9, 2020
Appeals court lets Texas enforce coronavirus-related abortion ban, for now - omaha.com - March 31, 2020
On Tuesday afternoon, a divided three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily blocked Yeakel’s ruling and gave both sides until 5 p.m. Friday to submit their legal briefs on the matter. -
Abortion in Texas: Federal judge blocks state's temporary ban - CBS News - March 30, 2020
"Patients will suffer serious and irreparable harm in the absence of a temporary restraining order," wrote Judge Lee Yeakel, a George W. Bush-appointee, in his nine-page opinion. "The attorney general's interpretation of the Executive Order prevents Texas women from exercising what the Supreme Court has declared is their fundamental constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before a fetus is viable." -
Texas Abortion Providers Accuse Gov. of ‘Playing Politics,’ Sue over Abortion Ban amid Coronavirus - March 26, 2020
“Texas abortion providers heed attorney general warning and halt abortions amid coronavirus” -- Dallas Morning News -- March 24, 2020
Texas Planned Parenthood clinics did not respond to requests for comment. -
Texas Attorney General -- Order halting all medically unnecessary surgeries and procedures -- March 23, 2020
"Health Care professionals and facilities, including abortion providers, must immediately stop all medically unnecessary surgeries and procedures to preserve resources to fight COVID-19 Pandemic. […] Failure to comply with an executive order issued by the governor related to the COVID-19 disaster can result in penalties of up to $1,000 or 180 days of jail time." -
PPST Subpoena
TX HHS subpoena for records where baby parts were used or donated or sold for research.
License Restrictions
pp of greater texas, ambulatory surgical center license (APP)
Deficiency Report
PP Fort Worth Inspection Jan 20 2016
Inspection report which shows numerous violations and deficiencies including: ** failure to adequately orient and train personnel **3 of 3 registered nurses who provide conscious sedation did not have orientation or training for administration of conscious sedation **failure to report if a physical exam of patients was performed by a physician **no surveillance performed to minimize sources and transmission of infections **failure to ensure a safe and sanitary environment for surgical patients **expired laminaria **3 suction machines (1 in each operating room) without documentation of any preventative maintenance checks **crash cart emergency supplies were expired **no oxygen tank available for patients in an emergency **sterile patient supplies were stored next to cardboard shipping boxes, a handheld feather duster, and biohazard waste box, compromising sterility and causing the likelihood of contamination and infection **trash and dust particles on the floor **electrical outlet with no cover and exposed wires next to the washing machine **wall with plaster missing **3 automatic vital sign equipment not labeled clean or dirty **patient supplies covered with dust particles **pharmacy area metal carts covered with dust **no oxygen tank in recovery room **sterile instruments not sealed correctly, allowing contamination and microbial growth **failure to maintain performance records for autoclave machine **failure to know Hepatitis B status for 4 personnel, causing potential risk of exposing patients to HepB **surgical personnel not wearing head covers **surgical peel packages not sealed correctly in all operating rooms **failure to examine fire extinguishers in case of emergency **more -
deficiency report - september 17, 2020
Deficiencies cited. Failure to ensure periodic calibration and/or preventive maintenance of all equipment provided for patient care.
Malpractice History
2019-08-05 Complaint -- Manuel Belmonte et al v. Medstar Mobile, PP Southwest Ft. Worth. et al
On Aug 8, 2017, Planned Parenthood Southwest Ft. Worth employee Cristina Belmonte experienced chest pain at work, and clinic staff called for emergency responders. Cristina's husband, Manuel Belmonte, arrived at the clinic, where clinic staff recognized him, but allegedly prevented him from entering the room where his wife was being treated, or speaking with emergency responders. Mr. Belmonte alleges the responders delayed excessively in treating his wife at the clinic, and eventually put her on a stretcher, where she went into cardiac arrest. They transported her to Harris Methodist Hospital Southwest, where she died within an hour of arrival. The Belmonte family, including Manuel Belmonte, and the couple's daughters Liliana, Sophia, and Cecelia, are suing defendants including Medstar Mobile and Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ft. Worth, for negligence, gross negligence, false imprisonment, battery, etc. See details on pages 3-6. -
2019-09-09 Judge recuses himself -- Belmote v. Medstar Mobile, PP Southwest Ft. Worth, et al
Judge A. Joe Fish recuses himself from hearing the Belmonte's lawsuit against defendants including Planned Parenthood Southwest Ft. Worth.