Curtis Wayne BoydEmily Cohen
Allison L. Gilbert
Emily Rothman, DO
Alan Richard Braid
Carmen S. Landau (Deceased)
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Clinic owned by Alan Braid.
UNM Pays Family $365,000 for Negligent Referral in Abortion Death Case, 4/25/2022
Clinic address: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102
Late-Term Abortion Clinic Involved in Baby Parts Trafficking Sends 35th Woman to Hospital, 6-10-2020
Former clinic abortionist: Susan Robinson
Funeral home sends driver to abortion clinic to pick up “fetus”
Ambulances transport two patients from nation’s largest abortion clinic
Eight new abortion tapes reveal casualties, callousness, and cover-up
Injury-prone New Mexico abortion clinics operate in shadows of regulatory gaps
New 911 call reveals continuing dangers at Albuquerque abortion clinics
Three late-term abortionists under investigation for series of botched abortions
911 call reveals hemorrhaging following first-trimester abortion
Series of 911 calls show late-term abortion clinic is danger to the public
Abortion Capital, part 5: ‘We think the process is safe. Nothing is perfect.’
Man arrested after threatening to gun down pro-life activists at late-term abortion clinic
Doctor disciplined for gross negligence in botched 35-week abortion
What to Know about the Select Panel’s Criminal Referral against UNM and Southwestern Women’s Options
Nichole Atkins sued this clinic for botching her abortion (which required a hysterectomy), and for using her baby’s body parts and her patient history for research experiments, without giving her the ability to opt-out. Nichole’s sister Keisha Atkins also died from a botched abortion here. The clinic was sued, along with the University of New Mexico, UNM abortionist Shannon Carr, and other defendants. See documents below.
522 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102Photos

Misc Documents
Southwest Women's Options Owned by Curtis Braid
Deficiency Report - POC - 10-29-2019
Includes plan of correction (POC). -
Special Report-Abortion Capital
Five-part Exposé Detailing How Boyd & Co. Turned Albuquerque Into The Late-Term Abortion Capital of the World -
ABQ Journal-02032013-Late Term Abortion Debate Turns to ABQ
In depth report on the front page of the ABQ Journal discussing the 35-week botched abortion at Southwestern Women's Options. -
ABQ Journal-02032013-Mom Came Here From NY For Procedure
Also an A-1 article that is a companion to "Late Term Abortion Debate Turns to ABQ. This tells more about the woman who was injured during a 35 week abortion at Southwestern Women's Options by abortionist Shelley Sella -
SWWO Consent Form 2012
This abortion consent form shows SWWO buried consent in a wordy abortion consent document, leading to questions about whether women really understood their aborted baby remains would be used for "research." -
06-19-2019 Attorney in wrongful death case says substandard late-term abortion center killed patient
Article on Keisha Atkins, who died after a botched abortion at Curtis Boyd's Southwestern Women's Options abortion clinic. -
Southwestern Women's Options (Albuquerque, NM) -- 2015 Medicaid Agreement - Maria Cardenas, CNP
2015 Medicaid agreement. Abortion clinic nurse receives payments from Medicaid for assisting with abortions. -
The Abortion Industry’s New Low: Toilet Deliveries
Funeral home sends driver to abortion clinic to pick up “fetus” - 07-08-2014
New Mexico Medicaid Abortions 2017-2019
Newly obtained Medicaid data by Abortion Free New Mexico reveals that from 2017-2019 state tax payers paid $791,106.50 for 5,889 abortions. -
Rape victim report
Deficiency Report
Deficiency Report - 10-23-2019
Deficiencies cited. -
Deficiency Report - December 6, 2017
Deficiency Report - December 14, 2015
SWO-Boyd Lab Deficiencies 2009
List of deficiencies and SWO's corrective plan for inaccurate lab results and lack of lab quality control oversight. This survey was for the SWO lab only and not for the surgical portion of the clinic where risky late-term abortions are done.
Disciplinary History
Malpractice History
Abortion clinic sued over disclosure of fetal remains research
-- Albuquerque Journal, 12-05-2016. Patient Jessica Duran sues abortionist Curtis Boyd and the Southwestern Women's Options clinic for failing to disclose that her aborted baby would be used for experimentation by the University of New Mexico. See pages 1 & 3. Documented Death -
Patient Jessica Duran sues clinic abortionists Curtis Boyd, Shelley Sella, and Carmen Landau. Case history and list of court documents. Original complaint filed 11-30-2016. -
2016-11-30 Duran v. Boyd -- Complaint
Complaint filed Nov. 11, 2016. -- Patient Jessica Duran files suit against Southwestern Women's Options abortion clinic and abortionists Curtis Boyd, Shelley Sella, and Carmen Landau. Details given in document. -
2017 Complaint against Curtis Boyd for botched abortion -- Southwestern Women's Options (Albuquerque, NM)
Medical Malpractice/Wrongful Death Complaint
Complaint filed on behalf of the family of Keisha Atkins, who died from a botched 24-week abortion done at Southwestern Women's Options on 1/23/2017. -
Wrongful death lawsuit targets Albuquerque abortion clinic KOB 4
Sept. 12, 2018 news report from KOB.com concerning wrongful death lawsuit filed on behalf of the family of Keisha Atkins, who died from botched 2nd trimester abortion done at Southwestern Women's Options in 2017. -
2019-06-05 Order Granting Defendants' Motion for Protective Order -- Atkins v. Boyd et al
Court document in lawsuit over Keisha Marie Atkins, who died from a botched abortion at Curtis Boyd's Southwestern Women's Options abortion clinic. -
2019-06-19 Complaint -- Nichole Atkins v. Curtis Boyd, Southwestern Women's Options, Shelly Sella
Patient Nichole Atkins sues the clinic and abortionists for malpractice & unfair trade practices. In December 2010, Nichole Atkins went to Southwestern Women's Options for an abortion, where she was treated by abortionist Carmen Landau. The clinic had Nichole sign ONE consent form for both the abortion AND to use her baby for fetal experimentation. The clinic did not tell Nichole that they stored the aborted baby parts in a freezer at the clinic, and that the baby parts were used for research experiments at the University of New Mexico. They did not tell Nichole that they were ALSO going to use her personal info in a research study. The clinic did not inform Nichole of this, or give her an option to opt-out of the research, the fetal tissue donation, or give her any assurance of personal privacy. At the time of her abortion, Nichole was 17 weeks gestation, and Dr. Curtis Boyd's office estimated the baby's length at 23 centimeters. The abortionist botched the abortion and lacerated Nichole's cervix. The clinic didn't inform Nichole of the injuries or repair them. Nichole experienced "extreme pain" and eventually required a hysterectomy, rendering her unable to bear children. See pages 2, 4, & 5-7. -
2018-10-19 Atkins v Boyd, Southwestern Women's Options -- Plaintiffs' response to Defendants - searchable
2018-10-22 Atkins v Boyd, Southwestern Women's Options -- Defendants' reply to motion for protective order - searchable
2018-10-24 Atkins v Boyd, Southwestern Women's Options -- Answer of Brenda Pereda to Complaint - searchable
Atkins v Boyd Southwestern Women's Options Plaintiff's Witness List
List of Plaintiff's witnesses in the Keisha Atkins abortion death lawsuit. -
Curtis Boyd/ Southwestern Women's Options Witness List
List of Defendant's witnesses in the Keisha Atkins abortion death lawsuit. -
Atkins v Boyd Southwestern Women's Options Plaintiff's Witness List
Plaintiff's Witness List for the trial of Keisha Atkins abortion death.
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
Special Report-Storm's Coming
Abortion Emergencies Spark Showdown with the New Mexico Medical Board -
Autopsy Report Keisha Atkins
Keisha Atkins died on Feb. 4, 2017, as the result of a late-term abortion at Southwestern Women's Options. UNM, SWO's partner in the baby parts trade, did the autopsy and wrongly (in Operation Rescue's opinion) placed blame on her pregnancy instead of the abortion to cover up any culpability. -
2017-02-03 Albuquerque Fire Dept incident report -- Southwest Women's Options
Distress call from abortion clinic; patient Keisha Atkins died the following day after a botched abortion. -
Keisha Atkins case settlement
Total settlement: $1.26 million dollars. Curtis Boyd (founder of SWO) agreed via a court mediation to settle for $900,000 dollars