Southwestern Women’s Options (aka Abortion Acceptance of New Mexico)



Curtis Wayne Boyd
Emily Cohen
Allison L. Gilbert
Emily Rothman, DO
Alan Richard Braid
Carmen S. Landau (Deceased)




Surgery:       YES
Medication: YES

Other Info

Clinic owned by Alan Braid.

New Mexico Abortion Facility Settled Wrongful Abortion Death Suit for Payout Total of $1.26 Million, 5/11/2022

UNM Pays Family $365,000 for Negligent Referral in Abortion Death Case, 4/25/2022

Clinic address: 522 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102

Late-Term Abortion Clinic Involved in Baby Parts Trafficking Sends 35th Woman to Hospital, 6-10-2020

Former clinic abortionist: Susan Robinson

Video Confession: UNM Official Confirms that Aborted Baby Brains Were Dissected by High School Students – Aug 23, 2016

New Docs Reveal Horrific Details of Botched 35-Week Abortion, Gross Negligence in NM Disciplinary Case

Funeral home sends driver to abortion clinic to pick up “fetus”

Ambulances transport two patients from nation’s largest abortion clinic

Eight new abortion tapes reveal casualties, callousness, and cover-up

Injury-prone New Mexico abortion clinics operate in shadows of regulatory gaps

New 911 call reveals continuing dangers at Albuquerque abortion clinics

Three late-term abortionists under investigation for series of botched abortions

911 call reveals hemorrhaging following first-trimester abortion

Series of 911 calls show late-term abortion clinic is danger to the public

Abortion Capital, part 5: ‘We think the process is safe. Nothing is perfect.’

Man arrested after threatening to gun down pro-life activists at late-term abortion clinic

Doctor disciplined for gross negligence in botched 35-week abortion

What to Know about the Select Panel’s Criminal Referral against UNM and Southwestern Women’s Options

Nichole Atkins sued this clinic for botching her abortion (which required a hysterectomy), and for using her baby’s body parts and her patient history for research experiments, without giving her the ability to opt-out.  Nichole’s sister Keisha Atkins also died from a botched abortion here.  The clinic was sued, along with the University of New Mexico, UNM abortionist Shannon Carr, and other defendants.  See documents below.



522 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102


Medical emergency at SWO 6-9-2020
SouthwestWomens - Ambulance - 3-27-2014
SouthwestWomens - Ambulance - 2-13-2014
funeral home at SWO



Misc Documents

Deficiency Report

Disciplinary History

Malpractice History

Documented Deaths or Serious Injury