boyd pic dec 2022 another
Abortion Mill
Southwestern Women's Options (aka Abortion Acceptance of New Mexico)Presidential Women's Center
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center - Dallas, TX -INACTIVE
Medical School
University of Texas Medical SchoolPhone
522 Lomas Blvd NE, Albuquerque, NM 87102Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info

Below: October 2024: Curtis Boyd (retired) refers woman for an abortion at eight months gestation to Matthew Reeves, at Dupont Clinic in D.C.
Misc Documents
Article Dec 23, 2024: Curtis Boyd Now Owns Presidential Women's Center in West Palm Beach, FL
Boyd - Certificates of Studies
Special Report-Abortion Capital
Five-part Exposé Detailing How Boyd & Co. Turned Albuquerque Into The Late-Term Abortion Capital of the World -
The First Legal Abortion Providers Tell Their Stories
-- NYMag.com, 10-13-2015. -
Longtime Abortionists Boast About 'Helping Women' Before Roe v. Wade - 10-19-2015
-- CNSNews.com, 10-19-2015. -
1995-04-21 State of New Mexico v. Danfelser
Abortionist Curtis Boyd and PP of the Rio Grande are plaintiffs in this lawsuit. -
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 3 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 4 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et a
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 8 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et a
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 9 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 12 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 13 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 14 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 24 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 25 -- order granting Jane Doe, MD's motion to quash deposition subpoena -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
Abortionist Curtis Boyd is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. Anonymous Hawaii doctor "Jane Doe, MD" was subpoenaed to testify in a Texas abortion case. She refused, and filed a motion to "quash" the subpoena. The U.S District Court of Hawaii grants her request, and allows her not to testify. -
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 26 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 27 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017-10-23 non-party Jane Doe, MD, motion to quash deposition subpoena - Hawaii document 1 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
Abortionist Curtis Boyd is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. Hawaii doctor "Jane Doe, MD" receives a subpoena to testify in a Texas lawsuit about abortion regulation. The anonymous "Dr. Doe" refuses to testify, and she files a motion to quash the deposition subpoena. -
06-19-2019 Attorney in wrongful death case says substandard late-term abortion center killed patient
Article on Keisha Atkins, who died after a botched abortion at Curtis Boyd's Southwestern Women's Options abortion clinic. -
2011-08-15 -- Late term North Texas abortionist under investigation in ABQ
2011-10-05 -- Ambulance summoned to abortion clinic again – circuit abortionist Curtis Boyd
Abortion clinic sued over disclosure of fetal remains research – Albuquerque Journal, 12-05-2016
TheGuardian.com -- 11-21-2014 -- Quotes Curtis Boyd's "Am I Killing? Yes, I Am"
FBI weighs criminal inquiry over fetal tissue -- Albuquerque Journal
Curtis Boyd - AbortionWiki
Boyd, Curtis -- Underground Abortion Network Provider - December 2022
Curtis Boyd NM Apps (as of 2020)
Application for medical license n New Mexico. -
Boyd License Renewal Application - 2005
Boyd Medical License and Application - NM - Pt 1
Boyd Medical License and Application - NM - Pt 2
License App
Boyd, Curtis Wayne - NEW MEXICO APPS as of 2017
NM medical license application file for Curtis Wayne Boyd. -
2008-11-19 Southwestern Women's Surgery Center - business registration
TX corporation registration for Southwestern Women's Surgery Center. Abortionist Curtis W. Boyd is the registered agent. -
Boyd, Curtis -- New Mexico med license application -- questionnaire - 10-23-2017
Emily Rothman, DO -- New Mexico Medicaid provider agreement
NM Medicaid provider registration. Note that Emily Rothman works for abortionist Curtis Boyd. -
2001-01-30 New Mexico medicaid provider reverification - Curtis Boyd MD PC
2001-02-15 New Mexico medicaid provider reverification - Curtis Boyd MD PC
Boyd, Curtis -- New Mexico medicaid provider profiles
Landau, Carmen -- Curtis Boyd MD PC - 2012 New Mexico Medicaid provider agreement
Carmen Landau works for Curtis Boyd MD PC. -
Landau, Carmen -- New Mexico medicaid provider profile - effective 2012
Rothman, Emily -- New Mexico medicaid provider profile - effective 2002
Sella, Shelley -- Curtis Boyd MD PC - 2009 New Mexico Medicaid provider agreement
Shelley Sella works for Curtis Boyd MD PC. -
Sella, Shelley -- New Mexico Medicaid provider profile - effective 2009
Disciplinary History
Malpractice History
Jazel Wabbington Sues Abortionists: Curtis Boyd, Carmen Landau & Emily Cohen
Complaint alleges Wabbington was high on meth and not legally able to consent to abortion of 26-week old-child. She did, however, request the child's remains be released to a funeral home to have services, but they placed the body in a medical waste container instead. -
Boyd Lawsuit - 2007
Document shows medical malpractice suit against Curtis Boyd's clinic for abortion complications, including disfigurement, perforated uterus, and uncontrolled bleeding. -
Duran v. Boyd case history and court document list. Initial complaint filing date 11-30-2016. -
Abortion clinic sued over disclosure of fetal remains research
-- Albuquerque Journal, 12-05-2016. Patient Jessica Duran sues abortionist Curtis Boyd and the Southwestern Women's Options clinic for failing to disclose that her aborted baby would be used for experimentation by the University of New Mexico. See pages 1 & 3. -
2016-11-30 Duran v. Boyd -- Complaint
Complaint filed Nov. 11, 2016. -- Patient Jessica Duran files suit against Southwestern Women's Options abortion clinic and abortionists Curtis Boyd, Shelley Sella, and Carmen Landau. Details given in document. -
2017 Complaint against Curtis Boyd for botched abortion -- Southwestern Women's Options (Albuquerque, NM)
08-01-2018 Atkins v. Boyd lawsuit -- case docket & defendants list
Defendants include Curtis Boyd, Carmen Landau, Shannon Carr, the Univ of NM, Lisa Hofler, Lily Baydat, Brenda Pereda, & Lauren Dvorscak. -
2019-06-05 Order Granting Defendants' Motion for Protective Order -- Atkins v. Boyd et al
Court document in lawsuit over Keisha Marie Atkins, who died from a botched abortion at Curtis Boyd's Southwestern Women's Options abortion clinic. -
2019-06-19 Complaint -- Nichole Atkins v. Curtis Boyd, Southwestern Women's Options, Shelly Sella
Patient Nichole Atkins sues the clinic and abortionists for malpractice & unfair trade practices. In December 2010, Nichole Atkins went to Southwestern Women's Options for an abortion, where she was treated by abortionist Carmen Landau. The clinic had Nichole sign ONE consent form for both the abortion AND to use her baby for fetal experimentation. The clinic did not tell Nichole that they stored the aborted baby parts in a freezer at the clinic, and that the baby parts were used for research experiments at the University of New Mexico. They did not tell Nichole that they were ALSO going to use her personal info in a research study. The clinic did not inform Nichole of this, or give her an option to opt-out of the research, the fetal tissue donation, or give her any assurance of personal privacy. At the time of her abortion, Nichole was 17 weeks gestation, and Dr. Curtis Boyd's office estimated the baby's length at 23 centimeters. The abortionist botched the abortion and lacerated Nichole's cervix. The clinic didn't inform Nichole of the injuries or repair them. Nichole experienced "extreme pain" and eventually required a hysterectomy, rendering her unable to bear children. See pages 2, 4, & 5-7. -
2018-10-19 Atkins v Boyd -- Plaintiffs' response to Defendants - searchable
2018-10-22 Atkins v Boyd -- Defendants' reply to motion for protective order - searchable
2018-10-24 Atkins v Boyd -- Answer of Brenda Pereda to Complaint - searchable
Curtis Boyd/ Southwestern Women's Options Witness List
List of Defendants witnesses for the trial of Keisha Atkins' abortion death. -
Tina Atkins vs. Curstis Boyd case - Settlement
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
Curtis Boyd - Abortion Death - 1980
On January 22, 1980, Vanessa Preston, age 20, went into cardiac arrest and died after an abortion procedure performed by Dr. Curtis Boyd. -
2017-02-03 Albuquerque Fire Dept incident report - Southwest Women's Options
Distress call from abortion clinic; patient Keisha Atkins died the following day after a botched abortion. -
2017-05-25 Keisha Atkins Autopsy Report - botched abortion death
Keisha Atkins died on Feb. 4, 2017, as the result of a late-term abortion at Southwestern Women's Options. UNM, SWO's partner in the baby parts trade, did the autopsy and wrongly (in Operation Rescue's opinion) placed blame on her pregnancy instead of the abortion to cover up any culpability. -
2018-03-08 Curtis Boyd under investigation by NM Medical Board in Patient's Death
Details on Keisha Atkins' botched abortion death. -
Lauren Dvorscak, MD -- NM license apps (RE: Keisha Atkins' pathology report)
New Mexico med license documents for UNM pathologist Lauren Dvorscak. Dvorscak co-authored Keisha Atkins' autopsy report (see page 1 of document below). NOTE: DVORSCAK IS A PATHOLOGIST -- NOT AN ABORTIONIST.