Southwestern Women's Surgery Center
Philip C. Abel - activeCurtis Wayne Boyd
Ghazaleh Moayedi
Dana Kusnir
Sarah E. McNeil
Allison L. Gilbert
Robin R. Wallace
Shannon L. Carr
Jennifer R. Amico
Diana C. Wu
Sarah A. Tilford
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
911: Woman Hemorrhaging at Troubled Dallas Abortion Mill, 1/24/2019
Ambulance Transports Woman with Breathing Difficulties from Unsanitary Abortion Center, 1/17/2017
Former clinic abortionist: Mary Elizabeth Wilcox Smith
Clinic manager: Jenni Beaver
8616 Greenville Ave. Ste 101, Dallas, TX 75243
As of 2019, abortionist Jessica W. Guh no longer works here.
As of 2021, Allison Gilbert works here as a physician and Co-Medical Director.
Closed after Roe v. Wade was overturned. 06/27
Resumed and stopped again after TX Supreme Court blocked order
8616 Greenville Ave. Ste 101, Dallas, TX 75243Photos

Misc Documents
Abortion in Texas halted again after appeals court allows ban to resume - CBS News - April 20, 2020
Some abortions may proceed in Texas during the coronavirus pandemic, federal judge rules - Click2Houston - April 9, 2020
Appeals court lets Texas enforce coronavirus-related abortion ban, for now - omaha.com - March 31, 2020
On Tuesday afternoon, a divided three-judge panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily blocked Yeakel’s ruling and gave both sides until 5 p.m. Friday to submit their legal briefs on the matter. -
Abortion in Texas: Federal judge blocks state's temporary ban - CBS News - March 30, 2020
"Patients will suffer serious and irreparable harm in the absence of a temporary restraining order," wrote Judge Lee Yeakel, a George W. Bush-appointee, in his nine-page opinion. "The attorney general's interpretation of the Executive Order prevents Texas women from exercising what the Supreme Court has declared is their fundamental constitutional right to terminate a pregnancy before a fetus is viable." -
Texas Abortion Providers Accuse Gov. of ‘Playing Politics,’ Sue over Abortion Ban amid Coronavirus - March 26, 2020
“Texas abortion providers heed attorney general warning and halt abortions amid coronavirus” -- Dallas Morning News -- March 24, 2020
In Dallas, an automated voice machine for the Southwestern Women’s Surgery Center said: "Our office is now closed down by the attorney general until further notice due to the coronavirus.” -
Texas Attorney General -- Order halting all medically unnecessary surgeries and procedures -- March 23, 2020
"Health Care professionals and facilities, including abortion providers, must immediately stop all medically unnecessary surgeries and procedures to preserve resources to fight COVID-19 Pandemic. […] Failure to comply with an executive order issued by the governor related to the COVID-19 disaster can result in penalties of up to $1,000 or 180 days of jail time." -
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center Inspection Report 12-18-2017
December 18, 2017: Facility was inspected and a complaint was found to be unsubstantiated. However, it was cited for not conducting Peer Reviews three times per year. -
2017-10-23 non-party Jane Doe, MD - motion to quash deposition subpoena - Hawaii document 1 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. Hawaii doctor "Jane Doe, MD" receives a subpoena to testify in a Texas lawsuit about abortion regulation. The anonymous "Dr. Doe" refuses to testify, and she files a motion to quash the deposition subpoena. -
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 3 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 4 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et a
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 8 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et a
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 9 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 12 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 13 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 14 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 24 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 25 -- order granting Jane Doe, MD's motion to quash deposition subpoena -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center is a plaintiff in this lawsuit. Anonymous Hawaii doctor "Jane Doe, MD" was subpoenaed to testify in a Texas abortion case. She refused, and filed a motion to "quash" the subpoena. The U.S District Court of Hawaii grants her request, and allows her not to testify. -
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 26 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
2017 non-party Jane Doe, MD - Hawaii document 27 -- Whole Women's Health et al v. Paxton et al
01-21-2016 -- Texas Attorney General ruling regarding Planned Parenthood
Letter from Texas Attorney General's office regarding public records request for Planned Parenthood. -
05-25-2018 -- Texas Attorney General response regarding Planned Parenthood documents
Email from Texas Assistant Attorney General regarding a records request for Southwestern Women's Surgery Center. Email reads in part, "The OAG is, however, conducting a civil investigation against multiple defendants, including Southwestern Women's Surgery Center. Information pertaining to this investigation has been the subject of a prior request for information. In response, the OAG sought and received a ruling from the Open Records Division allowing us to withhold information relating to this investigation." -
Guh, Jessica -- Board Certified in Family Medicine - not Ob-Gyn
Abortionist Jessica Guh is allegedly not certified as an ob-gyn. She is a Family Medicine doctor. -
WebMD.com -- Southwestern Womens Surgery Center in Dallas, TX
Listings for multiple doctors at SWSC abortion clinic: Jennifer Rose Amico, MD, Jessica H. Beaman, MD, Shannon L. Carr, MD,, Jessica W. Guh, MD, and Robin Reed Wallace, MD. -
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center -- 2020-08-25 Dallas FOIA response -- Incident report, Aug 25, 2020
2020-08-25 Dallas FOIA response -- Incident report, Aug 25, 2020 -
Gilbert, Allison, MD -- Gilbert is the Co-Medical Director at Southwestern Women's Surgical Center - Dallas, TX - 2021
License Restrictions
2008-11-19 Southwestern Women's Surgery Center, business registration
TX corporation registration for Southwestern Women's Surgery Center. Abortionist Curtis W. Boyd is the registered agent. -
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center -- Texas Ambulatory Surgical Center license - valid through 10-31-2019
Abortion clinic license.
Deficiency Report
Southwestern Women's Dallas Inspection Nov 24 2015
Inspection report found numerous violations and deficiencies including: **Physician credential file was not complete nor updated nor with evidence of check for criminal charges **Certified Nurse Anesthesiologist credential file was not complete nor updated nor with evidence of check for criminal charges **mandatory follow-up visits after the abortion drug were not being required (patient missed) **inadequate orientation and training for the sterilization staff **no documentation of a physician's physical examination of the patients **failure to ensure safe and sanitary environment for surgical patients **failure to monitor patient medication refrigerator temperature, and allowing it to freeze frequently **recovery room door lacking barrier, allowing dust to contaminate the linens **biohazard room full floor-to-ceiling with soiled linen bags and biohazard boxes **refrigerator with products of conception (fetal remains) not accessible behind soiled linen bags and biohazard boxes **soiled linen bags on floor of recovery patient bay area, biohazard closet too full to hold any more bags **sterile instrument drawer was so full that when opened, the top package (a vaginal speculum) had a hole in the packaging (no longer sterile) **syringes stored under handwashing sink, water drips onto them **sterilizing and disinfectant liquids opened, not dated, uncovered, and containers faded and discolored **critical patient care supplies stored near the floor where dust can contaminate **floor of storage area covered in trash, dirt, dust **cart with clean linen was covered in dust and dirt particles **oxygen tank holder and oxygen tanks improperly stored, dirty wheel lying on open paper towels **surgical personnel failed to wear proper operating room attire, no type of head covers in the surgical area **failure to monitor and record temperature and humidity where sterile instruments are stored, posing fire hazard and microbial growth risk **failure to maintain sterility of instruments, not properly sterilized or stored **peel packages cut and taped together to hold longer instruments, compromising integrity of packaging **autoclave runs not documented for sterilization of instruments or contents or load **moisture in peel packages causes infection control issue **failure to maintain performance records for manual vacuum aspiration syringe abortion procedures, including number of times it was used (before changing to a new one for other patients) **failure to have safety check on new suction machine before using it in the operating room on patients (seeing nearly 50 cases a day, without a safety check) **more -
deficiency report - september 15, 2020
Failure to ensure a safe and sanitary environment for surgical patients. Dust found in operating room. Furniture with cracks and chips facilitating cross contamination. Failure to ensure equipment was properly maintained and tested periodically. Failure to ensure that emergency equipment and supplies provided were maintained and accessible to staff at all times. Failure to ensure that written policies and procedures for decontamination, disinfection, sterilization and storage of sterile supplies shall be developed, implemented and enforced.
Disciplinary History
Southwestern Women's Surgery Center -- Texas Enforcement Actions -- $500 penalty
Sept. 8, 2015: Southwestern Women's Surgery Center abortion clinic is fined $500 by the Texas Dept of State Health Services.
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
CAD Medical Emergency 8-25-2020
August 25, 2020: a 30 year old woman suffered excessive bleeding at Southwestern Women's Surgery Center in Dallas, Texas. She was transported to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital for care that the abortion facility was incapable of providing. -
CAD Transcript From Medical Emergency at Southwestern Surgery Center 3-13-2019
March 13, 2019: Southwestern Surgery Center abortion facility calls 911 for ambulance for 24-year old woman suffering from heavy bleeding. Transported to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital for "evaluation." Request for no lights or sirens denied by 911 dispatcher. -
Southwestern Dallas - 911 Transcript -02-24-2011
Gynecological Emergency -
Southwestern Dallas - 911 Transcript -03-24-2010
Seizure -
Southwestern Dallas - 911 Transcript - 08-19-2011
Gynecological Emergency -
Southwestern Dallas - 911Transcript -12-21-2011
Gynecological Emergency -
Southwestern Dallas - 911 Transcript - 12-17-2011
Medical Emergency -
Southwestern Dallas - 911 Transcript - 02-29-2016