Cesare F. SantangeloPhone
(877) 659-9403Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Autopsies Demanded for Five Babies Brutally Murdered in Washington, D.C.
Old phone number: 202-659-9403
2112 F. Street NW, Suite 400, Washington, DC 20037Videos
Misc Documents
2/16/2024 Washington Post Article: This Account Proves Santangelo, of Washington Surgi-Center, Commits Infantacide
Account shared by Mary Szoch, Director of the Center for Human Dignity at Family Research Council, proves Santangelo purposely performs procedure in a way that facilitates babies being born alive. He has already admitted on camera that he would do nothing to save a baby born alive. -
2017 report by Abortion Free New Mexico showing the Washington Surgi-Center will conduct abortions through 26 weeks on healthy women with healthy babies for any reason. -
2003-07-21 Civil Case Docket - Fogel Family Ltd Prtn v. Washington Surgi-Center & Santangelo
Cesare Santangelo is a defendant in this civil case. -
2018-06-21 Complaint -- 4800 Wisconsin Ave LLC v. Classic Motors of Washington DC & Santangelo
Complaint filed against abortionist Cesare Santangelo; lawsuit also involves Washington Surgi-Clinic. Plaintiff (landlord) alleges that defendant Cesare Santangelo (tenant) failed to pay rent. See page 2 & 5-8. -
2018-08-17 Order of Default -- 4800 Wisconsin Avc LLC v. Classic Motors of Washington DC & Santangelo
2018-10-29 Order - Santangelo liable -- 4800 Wisconsin Ave LLC v. Classic Motors of Wash DC et al
The court finds Cesare Santangelo liable for a $66,780 judgment as well as $22,379.93 of overdue rent. -
2018-12-12 Writ of Attachment -- Garnishment to Washington Surgi-Clinic -- 4800 Wisconsin Ave LLC v Santangelo
Garnishment order in landlord-tenant lawsuit. Order served to Cesare Santangelo, the registered agent for Washington Surgi-Clinic. The clinic will be garnished for a total of $99.419.49, including judgment and interest. -
Surgi-Clinic Corporate Filing 2022
Surgi-Clinic Corporate Filing 2022 (no executing officer)
Washington Surgi-Clinic License Application 2019
Washington Surgi-Clinic License Application 2020
Washington Surgi-Clinic License Application 2021
Deficiency Report
Licensure survey - Plan of correction 06/21/2021
Licensure survey 09/18/2019
Licensure survey 07/11/2017
Licensure survey 06/29/2017
Disciplinary History
Malpractice History
ESTATE OF REBECCA CAREY CHARLAND - Plaintiff District of Columbia Superior Court
2011 malpractice suit timeline related to a patient death. Malpractice suit against Washington Surgi-Clinic and abortionist Cesare Santangelo. -
2014-10-16 Malpractice Case Docket -- Elizabeth Almayda v. Washington Surgi-Clinic & Santangelo
Malpractice lawsuit against Washington Surgi-Clinic and abortionist Cesare Santangelo.