Leah N. TorresDiane J. Horvath Cosper
Surgery: YESMedication: YES
Other Info
Autopsy Report Reveals Alabama Woman Died of Perforated Uterus During Abortion, 3/15/2021
Case of Woman Who Died After Leaving an Alabama Abortion Facility is Under Criminal Investigation , 9/3/2020
West Alabama Women’s Center purchased by the Yellowhammer Fund in May 2020.
Second CSI Van Spotted at Abortion Facility – This Time in Alabama, 2/12/2018
Current clinic address: 535 Jack Warner Pkwy. NE, # I, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404
Old phone: 205-556-2026
PDF check: Article links converted to PDF documents at right. 1-29-2020
Louis Payne who performed abortions here retired on July 24, 2020
Closed after Roe V Wade was overturned. 06/27
535 Jack Warner Pkwy. NE, # I, Tuscaloosa, AL 35404Photos

Misc Documents
The Guardian Article 3/23/23: West Alabama Women's Center CLOSING SOON
Leah Torres Claims the State and pro-lifers are all out to get her, and the investigator who informed her she wouldn't be able to continue performing abortions "knew what he was doing was wrong." -
Why the Sale of a Tuscaloosa Abortion Clinic Could Signal a Massive Change in Abortion Care – Mother Jones – 05-15-2020
Judge temporarily blocks Alabama’s ban on abortions during coronavirus outbreak - WAFF - March 31, 2020
Federal judge grants restraining order, allows Alabama abortion clinics to stay open amid COVID-19 - al.com - March 30, 2020
YASHICA ROBINSON, M.D., ALABAMA WOMEN’S CENTER, et al., v. State of Alabama - Complaint against ban on non-essential abortions - March 30, 2020
See pages 19 - 21 for details on the state of Alabama's emergency public health orders and that abortions could not receive a blanket exemption from the rules suspending elective, non-essential procedures. -
80-Year-Old Abortionist Has Killed Over 80,000 Babies in Abortions -- LifeNews -- 03-01-2019
2012-11-09 - Report: Body of Unborn Baby Possibly Found in Tuscaloosa Sewer - LifeNews
2013-03-06 - Alabama Abortion Clinics inspected - State Health Dept finds deficiencies at Tuscaloosa, other locations
2014-05-30 - Abortion Clinic Nurse Who Claims She “Serves God” Assaults Pro-Lifer - LifeNews
2002-09-17 Declaration of Gloria Gray, clinic admin - Summit Medical Ctr et al v Siegelman (State of Alabama)
West Alabama Women's Center is a plaintiff in this lawsuit over abortion legislation. Declaration by abortion clinic administrator Gloria Gray.
West Alabama Women's Center, Inc (Tuscaloosa) -- Articles of Incorporation
West Alabama Women's Center, Inc (Tuscaloosa) -- 2020 corporate registration profile
Deficiency Report
West Alabama Women's Center Deficiency Report 12/14/2022
Citations for using rusty instruments during abortions, failing to properly sanitize surgical instruments (again see 10/13/2020 deficiency report), failing to properly maintain its 3 autoclaves, and failure to observe CDC handwashing protocols. Plus other infection control/cross-contamination issues. -
Deficiency Report - West Alabama Women's Center 10-13-2020
October 13, 2020 -- An 11-page inspection report reveals violations in infection control, improper sanitation and rusty surgical instruments. Also, an interim medical director on the West Coast "certified" two abortionists as competent to conduct abortions after observing one for 40 seconds over a Zoom call and another for 7 min. 17 seconds over a Zoom call. Certifications must be done in person. -
West Alabama Women's - Deficiency Report - January 10, 2019 - No Deficiencies
No deficiencies cited. -
West Alabama Women's Center (Tuscaloosa, AL) -- 2017-12-05 Alabama Health Dept inspection survey
Statement of Deficiencies. -
west alabama women's center, inc 01-28-2016 c6301
Inspection report noted important information was omitted from numerous abortion patient files, medications were expired or "degraded." Disinfection solution expired. -
West Alabama Women's Center (Tuscaloosa, AL) -- 2014-11-11 Alabama Health Dept inspection survey
West Alabama Womens - Deficiency Report - Jul 26, 2011
This report shows that the clinic failed to abide by their policy for gestational age limitations. -
West Alabama Women's Center - Deficiency Report - Jan 11, 2013
Alabama Health Dept. finds W. Alabama Women's Center to be in violation of multiple health, sanitation, and safety regulations. These included basic sterility safeguards such as washing hands, using gloves, cleaning medical supplies, etc. -
West Alabama Womens - Deficiency Report - Oct 28, 2010
The Statement of Deficiencies reveals that the clinic failed to have documented physician orders and records of who administered patient medication. -
West Alabama Womens - Deficiency Report - Nov 12, 2009
Clinic staff failed to observe infection control protocol, and failed to dispose of expired medical supplies. -
West Alabama Women's Center -- ADPH statment of defiencies and plan of correction - 10-13-20
Alabama Department of Public Health paid the abortion clinic two visits. Damaged and spoiled equipment was used at the abortion clinic as if it was sterile, and this was not the only thing the clinic was doing wrong. This document describes what the ADPH found and what they are doing about the issues.