Medical School
Faculty of Medicine University of TeheranPhone
17 Fontana Lane # 201, Baltimore, MD 21237Procedures
Surgery: YESMedication: NO
Other Info
Doctor’s birth name was Mohammad Kazeem Saboory-Shirazy. He legally changed it to David Michael O’Neil, on March 9, 1982. See document below.
License Restrictions
O'Neil, David -- Virginia medical license & disciplinary history - reprimand in CA
Virginia medical license & disciplinary history -- reprimand in CA. -
O'Neil, David M. -- Maryland medical license - valid through 09-30-2019
O'Neil, David Michael -- Virginia medical license -- valid through 11-30-2020
O'Neil, David -- California medical license application & name change
CA med license application file for David M. O'Neil, MD. He legally changed his name on March 9, 1982, from Mohammad Kazeem Saboory Shirazy, to David Michael O'Neil. See pages 4, 8, & 10.
Disciplinary History
2002 Termination of Sexual Misconduct Case.
2001 Sexual Misconduct Case
Virginia Consent Order-O'Neil-Reprimand-2011
Consent order dated 9/8/2011 reprimanding David M. O'Neil for a 2009 Federal conviction related to his illegal purchase of a large amount of mislabeled abortion-inducing drugs from China. -
Oneil DISCIPLINE 2012 MD Reprimand
Reprimand dated 10/18/2012 reciprocal of VA reprimand after federal conviction in 2009 for illegally purchasing large amounts of mislabeled abortion-inducing drugs from China. -
O'Neil, David -- 2011-09-08 Consent Order -- VA Medical Board discipline
2011-09-08 Consent Order - VA Medical Board discipline for introducing misbranded drugs. O'Neil given 1 yr probation, $1000 fine, & 40 hours of community service. -
O'Neil, David -- 2012-10-18 Consent Order - Maryland Medical Board - guilty of introducing adulterated-misbranded drugs
2012-10-18 Consent Order - Maryland Medical Board -- O'Neil found guilty of introducing adulterated or misbranded drugs to interstate commerce. See pages 1-4. -
O'Neil, David -- California medical license & discipline history -- license cancelled
California medical license & discipline history -- license cancelled -- 2011 & 2013 discipline history. -
O'Neil, David -- 2012-12-24 Decision, Stipulated Settlement -- CA Medical Board Discipline
Disciplinary decision by the CA Medical Board regarding David Michael O'Neil, MD.
Malpractice History
2003 Malpractice Insurance Case. Medical Mutual Liability vs. David O'Neil
1997 Malpractice and Negligence Case. Daniel vs. O'Neil
O'Neil, David -- 2002-01-15 Medical malpractice - Withrow v. O'Neil
2002-01-15 Medical malpractice - Withrow v. O'Neil
Criminal History
1997 Sexual Misconduct Case. Stone vs. O'Neil
1984-01-23 Criminal Battery charge -- State of Maryland v. David M. O'Neil
1984-01-23 Criminal Battery charge -- State of Maryland v. David M. O'Neil. -
1986-09-13 Criminal Citation -- State of Maryland v. David Michael O'Neil
1986-09-13 Criminal Citation -- State of Maryland v. David Michael O'Neil - guilty, no PFD's on board. -
O'Neil, David Michael -- 2005-03-26 Criminal case docket -- State of Maryland v. O'Neil
2005-03-26 Criminal case docket -- State of Maryland v. O'Neil - Malicious property destruction over $500.