Colleen P. McNicholasMaya A. Bass
Justin T. Diedrich
Anuj Khattar
Andrea Chiavarini
Juliet W. Marsh
Rebecca L. Taub
Shelly Tien
Ghazaleh Moayedi
Surgery: NOMedication: NO
Other Info
Clinic address: 1240 SW 44th, Oklahoma City, OK 73109
Deb Gruver, Director of Communication
Julie Burkhart, CEO of Trust Women and South Wind
Former clinic abortionist: Leslie Ellen F. Page
Supposedly set to open June 20, 2016. Actual opening date: September 10, 2016.
The clinic is in a declining neighborhood, and neighbors are upset because it will further lower property values.
As of May 25, 2022, facility cannot conduct abortions due to the enactment of a new state law protecting life from the moment of conception (exceptions: life of mother, reported rape & incest).
1240 SW 44th, Oklahoma City, OK 73109Photos
Misc Documents
Wichita Beacon Article 6-22-24 Suggests Racism Amid Trust Women Scandal
Kansas fight shows how election reforms may favor one side
AP Article from 3/14/2021. Clinic owner Julie Burkhart admits to ballot harvesting. Opposes Kansas law that would stop the practice. -
Oklahoma judge partially strikes down Stitt's abortion ban - The Oklahoman - April 6, 2020
Trust Women on Twitter, April 1, 2020 - Trust Women Oklahoma City unable to see patients
[Oklahoma[ gov. Stitt is extending his order to the end of April. Right now, this means TW OKC is unable to see patients. -
Organizations file lawsuit against Gov. Stitt for elective surgery decision on abortion - KOCO Oklahoma City - March 31, 2020
Oklahoma’s COVID-19 Ban on Abortion Challenged in Court - Planned Parenthood - March 30, 2020
Oklahoma governor halts abortions amid virus outbreak - March 27, 2020
Office of Governor - Kevin Stitt - Order suspending non-essential abortion procedures - March 27, 2020
EXCLUSIVE_ First look inside abortion clinic planned for OKC _ KFOR.com
Neighbors Concerned After Abortion Clinic Opens In OKC - News9.com
Women fear for their safety and loss of rights if US abortion laws change -- SkyNews
2018 article featuring traveling abortionist Andrea Chiavarini. -
11-08-2019 -- Oklahoma abortion clinic takes on 'physicians only' laws -- StarTribune.com
PDF document. The Trust Women abortion clinic in Oklahoma City sues to allow non-physicians to perform abortions. -
11-8-2019 (printer-friendly) -- Oklahoma abortion clinic takes on 'physicians only' laws -- StarTribune.com
Printer-friendly document. The Trust Women abortion clinic in Oklahoma City sues to allow non-physicians to perform abortions. -
Neighbors React To Opening Of Abortion Clinic - May 27, 2016
Wichita abortion clinic expands to Oklahoma amid controversy -- May 20, 2016
Meet the Woman Opening an Abortion Clinic in Anti-Choice Oklahoma - Rolling Stone - May 20, 2016
05-01-2018 - The view from Trust Women’s new Seattle branch is bright -- The Seattle Times
Article on Julie Burhart, the founder of Trust Women abortion clinics. -
02-28-2020 - Abortion Clinics Are the Most Challenging Small Business in America - Bloomberg
Includes info on Julie Burkhart, the founder of Trust Women abortion clinics. -
03-23-2020 -- Coronavirus Could End Abortion Access in Some Parts of the US - Here's Why -- VICE
PDF document. -
03-23-2020 (printer-friendly) -- Coronavirus Could End Abortion Access in Some Parts of the U.S. Here's Why -- VICE
Printer-friendly document. -
South Wind Womens Center - CLIA application