Leroy H. Carhart (aka Leroy Harrison Carhart, Jr) - inactive (deceased)Tyrone C. Malloy - active
Garry Siegel - Inactive (deceased)
Tamer Yvette Middleton
Jill L. (Vibhakar) Meadows
Aaron Campbell
Surgery: NOMedication: YES
Other Info
Abortionist Aaron Campbell, Medical Director, tells women to lie to emergency room staff to withhold vital information about the abortion-inducing drugs in their system, to lie and say they are having a miscarriage.
Bellevue Health & Emergency Clinic, Inc dba CARE-Clinics for Abortion & Reproductive Excellence
Abortionist Dies Suddenly After Killing at Deceased LeRoy Carhart’s Former Abortion Clinic
Fraudulent Practices at ‘Don’t Care’ Abortion Center in Bellevue, Nebraska
Formerly Abortion Clinics ORG INC of Nebraska
Formerly CARE – Bellevue, NE (formerly Abortionclinics.org)
Marilee Hanson may be administering abortion pills here following Leroy Carhart’s death.
Owner, Leroy Carhart, died 4/28/2023.
Halted surgical abortions in 11/2022.
Clinic address: 1002 W Mission Ave., Bellevue, NE 68005
Late-Term Abortionist Causes Life-Threatening Bleeding, Report Published 9/20/22
This facility has changed its name once again. It is now CARE (Clinics for Abortion and Reproductive Excellence). Formerly AbortionClinics.org. Formerly Bellevue Health Center. Formerly ACCON, (Abortion and Contraception Clinic of Nebraska)
Watch: 911 Records Show Carhart Abortion Patient Hemorrhaged Half Her Blood Volume, 5/29/2018
Carhart Subpoenas Seek Records of Baby Parts Trafficking & Aborted Babies Born Alive
New 911 Recording: Incomplete Abortion, Bleeding Hospitalizes Carhart Nebraska Patient
Carhart Worker to 911: “We had an issue with the procedure”
911: Moans, Screams Heard from Botched Abortion Victim at Carhart’s Nebraska Clinic – March 31, 2012
The “Abortion Contraception Clinic” is also known as the “Bellevue Health Center.” See clinic license documents below.
AbortionClinics.org has two sister clinics — one in Bethesda, MD, and one in Bellevue, NE.
1002 W Mission Ave., Bellevue, NE 68005Photos
Misc Documents
Operation Rescue's Complaint against CARE Bellevue and Abortionist Tyrone Malloy
Alleged illegal activity 5/3/2023 -
Redacted email from whistleblower: Illegal activity at CARE Bellevue 5/3/2023
Whistle blower informed Operation Rescue that Tyrone Malloy and his associate were allegedly illegally performing abortions/administering abortion inducing drugs May 3, 2023. -
7/31/2023 News article quotes Carhart's daughter (administrator), revealing Tyrone Malloy was hired as medical director (while not licensed in Nebraska)
Corporate Document 6/22/2023
Domestic Change of Registered Agent and/or Office, Non-Profit Corporations (NE Secretary of State)
After Carhart's death, his daughter became the registered agent: Janine Weatherby with new corporate name: ABORTIONCLINICS.ORG, INC. OF NEBRASKA -
News Article 5/1/23: The Late Leroy Carhart's Clinic in Bellevue Remaining Open
Abortionist Trained by Carhart Taking Over as Medical Director -
The fight over abortion rights goes local as opponents work to ban the procedure town by town
Bellevue, Nebraska, working to implement ordinance outlawing abortion. -
Abortionist Zaunna Jade Krehn, stated she left C.A.R.E. because of unsafe abortions and breach of contract.
Krehn included C.A.R.E. on 2022 Nebraska application for reinstatement. Stated the facility provided unsafe abortions and clinic director refused to provide malpractice insurance (breach of contract). -
Petition to ban abortion within city limits filed in Bellevue, NE, 8/16/2022
Notorious Late-Term Abortionist LeRoy Carhart Performs Abortions at CARE Bellevue -
Abortion Clinic Staffer Makes Sacrilegious Christmas Tree With Forceps Replacing an Angel
LifeNews.com article with photo dated 12/9/2020. -
Bellevue Health Ctr (NE) -- Policy and Procedure Manual 08-07-2015
05-24-2018 -- Nebraska Attorney General letter: no complaints against Nebraska Carhart clinics
NE Atty General's office: no complaints found against Leroy Carhart abortion clinics in Nebraska. -
05-08-2018 -- Butcher of Bellevue Strikes Again-- OperationRescue.org
Butcher of Bellevue Strikes Again, But This Time, Public Recording of the Abortion Emergency is Blank -
What would a late-term abortionist say to med students? I found out
License expires 2.28.25
Name Change, New License and New Owner/Director
Open June 5, 2023. Expired License 2.29.23 -
Bellevue Health Ctr (NE) -- 2018 Nebraska abortion clinic license renewal -- Owner LeRoy Carhart
License Restrictions
Abortion Contraception Ctr - Bellevue Health Ctr -- Nebraska clinic license - Owner Leroy Carhart
01-02-2018 - "Abortionclinics.org, Inc. of Nebraska" - non-profit foreign group - Nebraska Secretary of State
Corporation registration for the state of Nebraska. -
03-18-1997 - "Bellevue Health Center" - inactive trade name - Nebraska Secretary of State
Expired/inactive corporation registration for the state of Nebraska. -
09-10-2010 - "Abortionclinics.org" - trade name - Nebraska Secretary of State
Corporation registration for the state of Nebraska. -
AbortionClinics.org -- 2017 Maryland Surgical Abortion Facility license application
Maryland abortion clinic license application. Note physical "agency address" is in Bethesda, MD, while mailing address is in Bellevue, NE (site of sister clinic).
Deficiency Report
Pharmacy Quality Assurance Infraction
Abortionist Marilee Hanson Prescribed Drugs Under Another Abortionist's Name (Gary Siegel -- deceased) -
July 2024 Licensure Noncompliance -- Prescribing Drugs Without License, Failing to Perform Background Checks
Care-Clinic of Abortion and Reproductive Excellence -
Pharmacy Quality Assurance Report
December 2023 (Under Aaron Campbell with Tamer Middleton and Jill Meadows allowed to prescribe) -
Bellevue Health Center (NE) -- 2010-09-29 Nebraska Health Dept clinic inspection
Bellevue Health Ctr (NE) -- 2014-12-03 Nebraska Health Dept clinic inspection
Bellevue Health Ctr (NE) -- 2015-08-04 Nebraska abortion clinic inspection report letter
Bellevue Health Ctr (NE) -- 2015-08-06 Nebraska abortion clinic inspection report
Bellevue Health Ctr (NE) -- 2015-10-13 Nebraska Health Dept clinic inspection
Deficiency Report - September 5, 2019
No deficiencies cited.
Disciplinary History
NE Attorney General - Creekmore Press Release - May 22, 2013
Attorney General Jon Bruning announces his intent to seek license revocation for abortion nurse Lindsey Creekmore, due to substandard care practices that endanger public health and safety. -
Nebraska vs. Creekmore - Revocation Petition - May 22, 2013
Official state petition to revoke Lindsey Creekmore's license for failure to follow patient medication orders and improperly delegating patient care to unlicensed staff.
Criminal History
Tyrone Malloy under investigation for illegal activity at Leroy Carhart's clinic days after his death
Whistle blower informed Operation Rescue that Tyrone Malloy and his associate were illegally performing abortions/administering abortion inducing drugs May 3, 2023. See response stating investigation is underway. -
Complaint to Nebraska Attorney General
Illegal activity at C.A.R.E. 5/3/2023 reported by whistleblower re unlicensed prison felon abortionist Tyrone Malloy. Whistle blower informed Operation Rescue that Tyrone Malloy and his associate were illegally performing abortions/administering abortion inducing drugs May 3, 2023. See redacted formal complaint.
Documented Deaths or Serious Injury
CAD 9-2-2022 Emergency
38-year-old female hemorrhaging -
CAD Detailed Incident Report 2-25-2022
35-year-old woman transported to hospital after passing out multiple times. The 911 call downplayed the seriousness of this incident. Anonymous informant indicated she underwent 4 hours of "work" by ER doctors (possibly surgery) and coded at least once. -
911 Transcript - Abortion Contraception Clinic - Mar 31, 2012
Bellevue Fire Department CAD Transcript
April 26, 2014: from medical emergency incident at Carhart's Bellevue, Nebraska abortion clinic -
Bellevue Police Department CAD Transcript
April 26, 2014: from medical emergency incident at Carhart's Bellevue, Nebraska abortion clinic